USJ Attack Part 1

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The next day:

I had woken up pretty tired as usual but I did eventually make it out of bed and get ready. Everything had went smoothly that morning with me getting ready and eating breakfast. It wasn't until I was about to head out the door that I was stopped by my mother.

"Hey before you leave today I have something to give you," when she said that she took out a scroll from her pocket and handed it to me. "What is this?" I questioned.

"It's a sealing scroll that contains a summoning, the summoning being a armor set that is an exact replica of the one your great grandfather wore. Since you aspire to be just like him I thought this would be a nice little gift. Besides you might need this in cases of emergency, so don't you ever leave without it."

"Thanks mom, you're the best," I told her while giving her a hug

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"Thanks mom, you're the best," I told her while giving her a hug. With that I took the scroll and headed on over to UA where I saw a hoard of people from the media. When they saw me approaching me they immediately surrounded me and started asking me all sorts of questions.

"What's it like having All Might as a teacher?"

"Do you think you'll live up to your family's legacy?"

"Are you experiencing any favoritism from UA?"

I then quickly answered their interesting questions while making my way past them.

Class went on as usual but during homeroom we did elect our class reps.
I voted for Iida because he seemed like the most responsible and levelheaded one in the entire classroom. He didn't win but I was still satisfied with our class reps.

At this point of the day the most interesting thing that had happened was a false alarm that Iida had single handedly stopped. To which Midoriya decided that he should be class rep instead of him.

Mr Aizawa then announced a field trip to test our quirks in rescue situations which to me sounded pretty exciting.

I sat in the middle of the bus and listened in to people's conversations, one did catch my attention though.

"So Midoriya, your quirk does seem an awful lot like All Might's," commented Kirishima.
" A-a-all Might, are you s-serious right now?" He said clearly panicked which added further to my suspicions about the connection between his and All Might's unknown quirk.

"Don't be crazy Kirishima, unlike Midoriya All Might doesn't get hurt after using his quirk." Said Tsuyu.

"Well speaking of quirks in order to be a hero that stands out you've got to have a flashy quirk like Bakugou's, Todoroki's, and Senju's and they're the best in the class, there's no way they're not gonna be good heroes," stated Kirishima in a matters of fact tone.

"Yeah but Bakugou doesn't have a great personality because he's always so angry all the time an-", she was saying but got cut off by Bakugou's loud outburst.
"See what I mean, always angry. And although Todoroki has a great quirk he actually lacks the personality and enthusiasm of a great hero. Senju on the other hand has both a great quirk and great personality. Not to mention he is pretty strong, he even gave All Might a tough time. Which reminds me," she said while looking directly at me.
"I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now if you're willing to answer it."

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