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I woke up pretty early for today's training exercise which I'm pretty excited about. I then quickly put on my hero costume(replica of Hashirama's armor) just in case we do something intense. As I walked outside into the courtyard, I see that Sarutobi sensei is already outside waiting. Still in his Hokage robes though.

I then approached him as he greeted me,"Ah, m/n, you're here now finally. I'm going to ask you a very simple question now. Would you prefer to do the fun stuff now, or the fun stuff later?"

"I want the fun stuff now!" I said in excitement.

He then smirked and let out a huffy of laughter, "Since you're so excited, fine then, taijutsu only," he said as he immediately stripped of his robes which revealed his old hero outfit.

He then quickly lunged at me throwing a flurry of punches and kicks some of which made contact with me so I had to be on the defensive.

"Tell me are you really trying to fight me or are you holding back because you take me for a weak old man, if that's the case you're mistaken!" He said as one of his fists struck my cheek which made me stumble back.

He then quickly knocked me off my feet and my back hit the floor.

He then pulled out a bell and dangled it in front of me, "you'll have an hour to try and take this bell from me."

An hour later:
I'm all worn out right now. I only managed to graze the bell twice but I never had the chance to actually take them from him. I was practically playing defensively the whole entire time.

"Now we're going to do the same excercise but this time ninjutsu will be permitted. Let's begin now."

Fire Style: Fire Ball jutsu.

He then countered with a Water Dragon Jutsu which caused alot of steam to emerge.

Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence.
With that a forest began to attack him left and right but he had managed to cut through all the wood with a pole he had summoned.

The pole then suddenly extended, aiming straight at my face so I quickly used the substitution jutsu.

I quickly jumped up, weaved hand signs, and launched Wind Style: Great Breach. As it was about to hit him, he performed the Fire Dragon Bullet jutsu which had engulfed my jutsu and burned me a little bit.

An hour later:
Just like last excercise, I was defeated. Out every person that I have ever faced, this man is definitely the strongest and most challenging.

I was then told to rest and recharge on my chakra that we'll be repeating these exercises until sunset.

We repeated the two excercises multiple times and each time I was able to analyze his fighting style and try to counter it. But still for the most part it was relatively unsuccessful because he was just that good. But still I'm at least happy that I managed to take the bell twice.

Once sunset arrived he brought me inside for a lecture which was about battle strategy during battle and how to counter certain scenarios. Also how to better choose my jutsu for these scenarios. He then began talking about the will of fire and its importance and how it translated to the modern idea of the hero code.

After his lecture he began making dinner for the two of us. I think I'll check my phone for any notifications, I haven't checked them all day. As I unlocked my phone I see I got a message from Midoriya, about 15 minutes ago. I clicked it just to see it was a shared location, and it seems he shared it with the rest of class 1A.

This is very concerning and suspicious to me. It's very possible he could be endangered, why else would he just share a location and not say anything.

I then Google searched any news on Hosu City which confirmed my suspicion, the whole city is under attack right now.

I quickly rushed into my room and put my hero costume on. I then went into the kitchen and explained the situation to Sarutobi sensei. He understood the situation and told me to try to be back before dinner gets cold.

I then placed a marking within the house and immediately teleported to the mark I'd placed on Midoriya during the Sports Festival.

To be continued...

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