Chapter One :: Moving In

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"Bye, I'll miss you!" You waved off your long time best friend, Hinata, before looking up at your new place. Hinata wishes you the best of luck before taking off, leaving you alone in the middle of the street.

You grabbed your two suitcases - a duffle bag dangling off your right shoulder - and headed inside. There was already your couch, tv, and coffee table in the living room. In fact, most of the stuff you have is either donated from Hinata, or you have yet to buy still. This was your first place on your own, and you couldn't wait to build and grow from it.

Two weeks ago you were promoted to Jonin, your life long dream, and was promised that this next entrance exams you would be given your first team. You were ecstatic to finally get your life and career together.

You set the heavy bags down on the floor in your soon-to-be bedroom and flopped down on the old mattress, given to you by Iruka. He claimed he was due for a new one and instead of throwing it out he figured you needed it, which was very true cause you would've been sleeping on the floor if he didn't.

"I'll unpack tomorrow." You said to yourself, changing into only a tank top and pajama shorts. "From all the moving that happened today, I'm exhausted-"

You couldn't finish your sentence when you heard a knock on the door. Did Hinata miss me already? You thought to yourself before walking over to open it. You frowned, seeing a familiar silver-haired jonin standing at your doorway, a closed eye smile behind that dumb mask.

"Yes, Kakashi?" You raises an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest. You and Kakashi never got along as kids; you were both always following by the rules, but always competed against one another in just about everything. This time, you both were promoted to Jonin, which irritated you cause you worked than he did for the position. 

"I just wanted to come congratulate you on your new place." Kakashi insisted. "How are you liking it so far?"

"It's alright I guess. I haven't spend too much time in here yet." You shrugged, not really wanting to speak.

"Okay, well if you need anything, I'm right across the street. Literally." Kakashi pointed at the apartment complex across the road. It made you frown more, knowing that you lived across someone annoying. "See ya." He waved you off before leaving.

You closed the door, confused mainly on why he randomly stopped by to say hi. "He's a weird man." You shook your head before locking the door. You are a small sandwich before crawling into bed and fell into a deep snooze.

~Kakashi POV

You shouldn't go over there.

But you totally should.

She hates you, you know that.

She acts cold towards you cause she finds you attractive.

She's competed against you for how many years now?

She likes someone that asserts their dominance.

"Shut up, already." Kakashi groaned, staring at his reflection in the mirror. His two sides were arguing against each other on whether or not he should talk to ____.

He's low key had a crush on you since the both of you were fourteen years old, but since you pushed her away and always followed the rules when you two were kids, she slowly began to grow cold towards you. It seemed like the both of you were competing for the top position in your class.

"Maybe I'll go over and say hi?" Kakashi finally decided and left his bathroom. He walked down the building and across the street to ___'s building. It was a relatively new one, so he wasn't too worried about losing his foot in the stairacase.

Kakashi approaches your door (which he heard over a conversation earlier that day from ___ when she was speaking to Iruka) and knocked. He waited patiently and was about to leave before watching the door open. ___ stood there in only a tank top and pj shorts.

"Yes, Kakashi?" She raises an eyebrow at him. Kakashi couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of your (eye color) eyes. They shined beautifully in the setting sunlight.

"I just wanted to come congratulate you on the new place." Kakashi smiled at you, calling himself an idiot in his mind. You sound stupid.

Shut up. "How are you liking it so far?" Kakashi asked you, trying to show interest.

"It's alright I guess." He watched you shrug. "I haven't spent too much time in here yet."

Kakashi could tell you didn't really feel like talking, so instead of trying to stretch it out he decided to conclude your conversation, "Okay, well if you need anything, I'm right across the street. Literally." He pointed at his apartment building.

___ nodded before Kakashi said, "See ya!" And left. Kakashi began walking away when he heard the door close and lock. He sighed, staring at the ground as he continued walking.

Way to blow it, dumbass.

Shut up. Kakashi hold himself as he headed home. When he reached his own apartment, he stripped down to what looked like a sleeveless compression shirt with his mask attached to it and boxers before crawling underneath his blankets and stared at the ceiling.

Why is it so hard to talk to ___ sometimes? He thought to himself, closing his eyes. After what seemed like hours he finally drifted off into a deep sleep.

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