Chapter Two :: Lunch Date

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Author :: Look at this cute meme I found while looking for pics on Pinterest ~<3


You woke up the next day to your stomach growling and the sun peaking through your window blinds. You sat up and changed into your usual outfit before heading into the kitchen. You opened the fridge and noticed it was empty.

"Oh yeah. I'm on my own now." You muttered to yourself as reality set in.

You felt your stomach beg for food and decided to just stop at the grocery store quick to grab a few things. You pulled your hair into a bun before sliding your sandals on and headed out, locking the door behind you.

You made your way down the stairs and instantly wished to go back inside. You saw Kakashi walk outside about the same time as you, walking in the same direction you were planning on heading. Great

You told yourself screw it and started walking that same direction, trying not to make eye contact with him. At one point you noticed he was reading an orange book, his nose buried deep in it. Maybe he won't notice me today? You thought to yourself before entering the supermarket. You turned your head and noticed that he was still walking, which you thank the lord for having happen.

After you grabbed a couple simple things, you headed over to checkout before seeing Kakashi standing in the shortest line, his nose still in his book and a gallon of the same type of milk you drink in his hands. Dammit. You growled.

Kakashi looked up at you and flashed his famous closed eye smile. "Well hello!" He boasted, putting the book away.

"Hello," you said bluntly, leaning against your cart.

"Forgot to go grocery shopping yesterday?" He asked, setting his milk on the counter top.

"No, I forgot I had my own place." You said, seeing Kakashi let out a small chuckle. For some reason, you caught yourself smiling and stopped. It did feel nice to see him laugh, though.

"That'll be three-nineteen, sir." The clerk looked at Kakashi.

Kakashi passed through his pockets, red with embarrassment. You sighed, feeling generous, and walked over, handing the clerk the right amount of change.

"Thank you," Kakashi smiled softly. "Let me know if I can pay you back in any way." He insisted, blushing still.

"Don't worry about it." You stared simply as you started setting your stuff on the counter. You paid for your groceries and headed home, realizing you may have gone overboard.

There were at least nine bags in each hand and you looked like a fool walking through town. "Here, let me help." Kakashi insisted, grabbing half of your things without giving him the 'okay'.

You growled to yourself, wondering why the silver haired idiot was helping you out. Did he like you? Or did he just want the favor returned as quick as possible? You thought to yourself.

I mean, on the bright side it's less lifting for me to do. You told yourself as you and Kakashi walked up to your apartment door. You unlocked your door and held it open for Kakashi to go inside before you went inside yourself, hearing it close behind you.

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