Chapter Twelve :: Get Flowers

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The next day you woke up before Kakashi and hopped into the shower quick, surprised that your legs weren't as bad as the night before. You were about to grab the shampoo bottle before feeling a pair of hands touch your hips and yank you back. "What do you think you're doing?" Kakashi playfully growled into your ear, making you giggle.

"Nothing! Stop!" you shoved his hands away from you before handing him the bottle of shampoo. "Do you wanna wash my hair?" you raised an eyebrow at him.

"No, but I want to wash something else," he smirked, running his hands down your side to your womanhood. You shivered as you felt his fingers slide in and rub your clit.

"Kakashi, we're gonna be late," you tried to be serious through a moan.

Surprisingly, he moved his hand and kissed you sweetly. "Alright, but you gotta make up for it." he insisted.

"How so?" you raised an eyebrow at him as he rinsed his hand off and grabbed your shampoo bottle.

"You'll see," he smiled evilly, rubbing the soap into your scalp.


After the both of you finished showering, you both quickly threw on your gear and raced each other to the academy, where Iruka was waiting at the entrance with a bouquet of flowers. You turned red, thinking they were for you, when you saw him hand the bouquet to Miyuki.

I see, sly guy. You frowned, slowing down your pace.

"Oh, Kakashi and ___," Iruka waved to the both of you. "I need to speak with the both of you for a minute."

You sighed and stood by Kakashi's side, trying not to giggle at the fact his head smells like cherry blossoms (yes, he used your stuff to get cleaned since his was at his apartment).

"Both of your teams were paired up for a group activity earlier today and Naruto ended up punching Asami, which resulted in Hideyoshi punching Sakura, and Sauske attacked Eiji." Iruka told them, leaning against the entrance of the door. "I would like for their behaviors to change by tomorrow or else I'm gonna have to report to Lady Tsunade of their behavior."

"Will do, thank you Iruka." Kakashi spoke with such power it made your inner girl scream. "We will get it fixed before they go home today."

You followed Kakashi to the classroom where you were tackled by Asami, who was crying with tissue paper stuck up her nose. "___-sensei!" she sobbed. "Naruto punched me!"

"She called me a cat for having whiskers and wouldn't stop touching them!" Naruto argued back.

"Everyone is going to stop now." You snapped, feeling Asami's grasp leave you. "Iruka already informed us what happened and we are disappointed in all of you. You are the top six students in this academy and this is how you're going to act like?"

All six stayed quiet, but kept eye contact with both you and Kakashi. "So because of today's incident, you are going to pair up with whoever you had a conflict with and we'll have a teamwork test," Kakashi added on.

The fuck do you mean? You wanted to ask him, but kept it quiet. Asami slowly stood by Naruto, Sakura groaning sitting by Hideyoshi, and Eiji still staying a foot away from Sauske.

"At this time of year, there are rare sightings of flowers outside of the village in the woods." Kakashi explained. "You are to gather three of each and return to the training ground. If your group is done, you will go help another group. Understood?"

"Why are we picking flowers for today?" Naruto whined.

"Because I said so." Kakashi simply stated.

"But you aren't our sensei!" Hideyoshi stood up.

"You're going to do this, whether you like it or not." You threatened. "If this behavior keeps up, Lady Tsunade will drop you from the academy, which will make you the laughing stock of everyone else who continued on because they got along with each other."

Everyone groaned and nodded as Kakashi gave them each a special flower to get. "Now go. You have till sundown." He sent them off, watching the three groups leave quickly.

You sighed and leaned against the chalkboard, seeing Kakashi turn his glance to you. "You okay?" he asked.

"Just irritated," you sighed. "Our first teams as Jonin, and they're fighting with each other. By the way, why are they picking flowers?" you asked Kakashi, kinda curious.

"Where the flowers are located are nearby Gramma Yanza's flower shed," Kakashi smirked. "Her dogs can sense anything and will attack if someone gets into the flower bed."

"Wow, you are so evil." You laughed, watching Kakashi walk over to you.

"Well, shall we get lunch?" he asked you.

"Why not?" You shrugged, linking your arm with him. He lowered his arm and grabbed your hand, holding it tightly as his fingers entwined with yours. This made you smile softly as you both left the academy to the ramen shop.


After eating, you realized it was sundown, you looked over at Kakashi, who was reading one of his pornos. "Hey, pornstar," you nudged him. "We fell asleep at your place. It's almost sundown, the kids are probably waiting."

Kakashi sighed and closed the book before looking at you. "You wish I was a pornstar." was all be said before bolting out the door.

"Kakashi, you perv!" you laughed, running after him. The both of you chased each other through town, soon arriving at the training grounds.

All six kids were waiting, Sakura and Hideyoshi arriving at the same time as you, and they all went down on their knees. "We're so sorry!" they all begged, crying. "Please forgive us! We're all best friends now!"

"Where are the flowers?" you demanded.

"We couldn't get them," Eiji started.

"They were in Gramma Yanza's back yard," Sakura added on.

"And there was no way we could even get a foot away without her dogs smelling us," Sauske sighed.

"So you all failed your mission, huh?" Kakashi sighed before freezing. "Wait, there's only five of you. Who's missing?"

You froze when you didn't notice your girl. "Asami!" You glared at Naruto. "Where is she?"

"How was I supposed to know?" Naruto asked. "She was just here with me a second ago."

"___-sensei....!" Asami's voice was echoed from a distance. You looked over your shoulder and saw Asami slowly limping back, her leg looking roughed up and her arm bleeding bad.

"Oh, no no no." You ran over to her, looking at her poor face. "What happened?" you asked her, picking her up.

"T-There were these rogue ninjas that knew where the flowers were.." Asami coughed up blood before showing you a bouquet of roses. "They tried to beat me up. But I got them. I got the flowers."

You ran to the hospital, Asami in your arms and the flowers on the ground behind you.

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