Guess Who's Back??

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Waddup ya simps?!

So terribly sorry for the delayed update on this; don't worry I'm not dead (only inside). My updates have been delayed because I started watching My Hero Academia and I've been obsessing over it every since 😅😅

However, I decided to take the time to read over some comments and noticed this one, as well as the 100K FUCKING READS ON THIS STORY OH MY GOD I DID NOT THINK THIS WAS GOING TO BECOME THIS POPULAR.

I just want to thank y'all for taking the time to read this, leaving comments, and sharing the same feeling about simping over this perverted Jonin!

Now, I'm gonna go ahead and work on an update.... again, Thank you all!

P.s. I was thinking about going back to some of these chapters and fixing some spots, but I think I'll keep the "small sandwich" part that's at the way beginning, just because y'all seem to enjoy that error 😂😂😂 So if you noticed a lot of updates happening at the same time, I'm more than likely just editing chapters n shit.

P.S.S. I literally had no idea what to do for this next chapter, but I was talking to my coworker about this story and he said I should go all out to celebrate the 100K reads I have on this story♥️

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