Chapter Ten :: Reigniting Feelings

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You were watching your kids train real hard and noticed they were starting to get exhausted. "Okay, how about we stop right here and get lunch, on me?" You smiled.

"Yes, please!" Asami begged, running up to you. The red haired girl took quite a fond over you instantly.

"Just not the noodle shop over by the bookstore," Eiji warned , adjusting his glasses. "You'll find me traveling around the store for hours and not leaving till I find something." Weirdo.

"Finally, lets go! I'm starving!" Hideyoshi bolted off. "Can't catch me!"

"Hey, wait up!" Asami called, going after him.

"Guys, where are you two headed?" You called to them as Eiji walked beside you. Fucking kid was at your shoulders, that's how y'all were talking.

"They both have this seafood place they really like and go there at least once a week." He explained as the both of you began walking. "Asami's uncle runs it, so Asami always gets a free dish. And Hideyoshi recently has been given a discount on his orders."

"Lucky them." You commented, seeing the two sitting at a stand. You look around and noticed that it was relatively close to your apartment building.

"Hey, ___!" You heard a voice call out. You turned your head and noticed Iruka was running up to you, his students not around.

"You go meet up with the other two, I'll join in a second." You ushered Eiji to go on without you.

As Eiji left, Iruka arrived to your side, a charming smile on his face. "You still up for that lunch offer? I gave my kids the rest of the day off."

"Sure!" You insisted, turning your head around. "Let me pay off their tab first and we can get going."

Iruka nodded and followed you to the stand, where you saw a big red haired man working behind the counter. "Well well Well , look at what the cat dragged in!" He huffed out, reaching his hand over to you. "Asami was right, you are one beautiful Jonin."

"Thank you." You blushed, shaking his hand. "And you must be her uncle."

"You betcha!" He nodded, ruffling her hair. "Hey, now that you're here, don't worry about the tab. It's on me."

"Are you sure?" You asked. "I don't mind paying it."

"No! I gotta show my nieces' Jonin some respect and thankfulness for taking in my mini me!" He laughed. "After all, if I don't thank you now, you might not save my stand of it burns down one day."

"Right?" You laughed with him. "Well, thank you anyways. Kids, you guys can take the rest of the day off."

"Thank you, ___-sensei!" They all called back while you and Iruka walked off.

"So, where are we headed?" You asked him.

"I've got a pot of dumplings at my house steaming if you're okay with that?" Iruka suggested. "I don't feel like going out and spending money."

"Sure, okay." You smiled, following him to his place.

When you both got there, you realized that he was living in an actual house, not an apartment. Lucky bitch. You thought to yourself as he bend his door open for you.

The inside was beautiful; each room seemed to have a different theme and all of the colors matched well with each other.

"Wow." You muttered as an amazing aurora greeted your nose. You saw Iruka open a lid from a pot and a cloud of steam leave, revealing dumplings. They were shaped like roses, which you thought was adorable.

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