Chapter Seven :: Date Fights

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You were just stepping out of the shower when you noticed a hickey showing on your neck. Dammit, Kakashi. You growled to yourself, trying to cover it up with makeup. Once you did that you finished the rest of your face before heading to your room and realizing you didn't have anymore nice clothes to wear.

You decided to throw on a pair of black leggings and a sleeveless burgundy dress shirt. You threw on your best pair of sandals and started curling your hair.

An hour has passed and you had just finished by the time there was a knock on the door. You went and opened it, seeing Miyuki and Hinata there.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Miyuki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Kakashi and I are gonna go out to eat," you blushed before hearing yourself say, "He wanted to congratulate me for the award by taking me out for dinner."

That's definitely not it.

"Oh," Hinata looked down. "We were gonna see if you wanted to go out for a girls' night tonight, but that can wait for another time."

"Are you sure?" You frowned. "I can tell Kakashi we can reschedule."

"No, go on your date!" Miyuki smiled brightly, making you blush again.

"Okay. I'll make it up to you. I promise!" You smiled, seeing Kakashi Leave his apartment building. "Oh, looks like he's coming to get me. See you guys later!"

You waved them both off before locking your apartment and started heading down to the entrance of the building. You were halfway down the first flight of stairs and you saw Kakashi open the door and look up at you.

His one showing eye widened as you smiled shyly and finished walking down the rest of the steps, grabbing Kakashi's hand when he held it out to you.

"Wow. You look beautiful." He muttered, still staring at you.

"You think so?" You smiled before noticing what he was wearing. He had on a white collared button up - freshly pressed - with a black tie and black dress pants. Unfortunately he still had a mask on. "You look handsome yourself."

Kakashi smirked and held his arm out to you. "Shall we?"

You linked your arm with his and started walking downtown. Most of the walk was quiet between the both of you, but you still found his presence nice.

Eventually the both of you walked up to a restaurant and sat down, greeted by a waiter with two glasses of water. "Do you guys know what you'll be ordering or do you still need a few minutes?" He asked, trying to keep his eyes off of you.

You knew you were good looking, but damn did the dude really have to stare you down constantly? Yes.

"No, we need a few minutes." Kakashi flared up at him. The waiter nodded and hurried off before he looked at you.

"What?" You asked, looking up from the menu.

"He wouldn't stop strong at you." He frowned.

"So?" You raised an eyebrow.

You saw the same look in Kakashi's eyes that he gave you last night and felt your thighs tighten up. Kakashi leaned into the table and spoke in a low tone, "Don't make me show you you're mine right now."

You bit your lower lip and looked back at the menu, seeing Kakashi straighten up and look at his. You weren't able to focus on the list of food, you were more curious how he would show you that you were his.

You decided to play evil and tease Kakashi. When he was deep reading the menu, you adjusted your shirt so that your cleavage was showing and you straightened your posture. You also pulled your hair to one side, opening the opposite side to the waiter when he arrived.

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