Chapter Twenty-Three :: You Got Beat Up

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I do apologize for not updating until late at night (my time zone) — it was my birthday and I had to work! Hope you enjoy!!

You woke up to Kakashi nuzzling his face against your chest. You chuckled softly and played with his silver hair before watching him stir awake. "That's the best sleep I've had in a long time." He yawned before giving you a kiss.

You giggled and returned a kiss back. "So what was your mission about?"

His face dropped as he sat up and climbed out of bed instantly. "Important stuff for Lady Tsunade's eats alone." He threw clothes on without facing you.

"Hey, what the hell is going on?" You demanded, grabbing his hand before he could leave.

Kakashi kept down and ran his hand through your hair before sliding it down to your cheek. "I can't tell you right now, but when the time is right you will be the first person I tell. I promise."

You frowned, but nodded before Kakashi left a small kiss on your forehead. "I'll be back later, maybe we can take the kids to the lake today to swim?"

"Last time I went swimming I fought off a monster." You reminded him, making Kakashi laugh his ass off.

"Come on; that was a good one. He had no clue what I meant!" He insisted.

"And what if he did, perv?" You giggled, throwing on your uniform.

Kakashi shook his head and kissed your forehead one last time. "I'm gonna leave now; don't wander too far off without me."

"I won't." You promised, watching him leave his apartment. You flopped down on his couch and checked the place out.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to move in? You thought before hearing a knock on the door. You stood up and walked over before peering through the peephole and saw Miyuki.

"___, I know you're in there!" She shouted, pissed off. "Come out!"

"What's going on?" You called out, not opening the door.

"I heard what you and Iruka were up too!" She explained. "I'm gonna beat your ass if you think I'm gonna let you steal my man!"

"What are you talking about?" You were confused before feeling Miyuki punch the door really hard.

"I know you slept with him!" She screamed, breaking it open. You fell to the ground before you felt Miyuki's hand at your throat and her legs pinning your arms down.

"Why would you do this to me?" You saw that she had been crying due to the redness and puffiness of her eyes. "I thought we were friends, you bitch!"

"Hey, Iruka said he broke up with you!" You choked your words out as you felt her grip tighten on you.

"He never did!" Miyuki cried. "He told me that you've been luring him into your place and trying to coax him into sleeping with you to get back at Kakashi! Well I've got news for you; Iruka and I will always be together!"

You felt Miyuki punch you right in the face and hollered for help as she kept punching you over and over.

Finally your arm broke free and you threw a punch back at her, landing a hit right to her jaw. She fell to the ground as you quickly stood up and covered your nose, feeling blood run down your face.

"Fight me, you fucking bitch!" Miyuki got up and snapped at you.

"I didn't do anything, honest to god, Miyuki!" You insisted before she tackled you out of the apartment. The both of you ended up outside, where there was a crowd of people that stopped doing what they were doing and watching the whole thing take place.

"You're a fucking liar, and I'm going to expose you to everyone!" Miyuki pinned you down again before punching you; this time hitting your chest and stomach. Hard.

You screamed for help and begged her to stop, unable to move your hands and legs for some reason. When you turned your head you noticed that there were rocks cuffing you to the ground. This little bitch cuffed me, seriously? You thought before feeling a punch to the side.

You felt the wind get out of you and coughed up blood as Shikamaru and Guy pulled Miyuki off. Your eyes were swelling up from all the punches you received, but due to lack of oxygen you passed out.

*Kakashi's POV

"And that's all you got?" Lady Tsunade raised an eyebrow at Kakashi; the two were sitting in her office alone discussing his recent mission.

"It's all I could get from every town on that list." Kakashi tossed the crumbled up paper onto her desk. "I want to try and go to the southern regions; that's where out target's recent activity has been. I feel-"

Naruto burst into the room, panting heavily. "Naruto, What is the meaning of this?" Lady Tsunade demanded.

"I'm sorry Lady Tsunade," he huffed our before looking at Kakashi. "It's ___; Miyuki attacked her earlier and she got beat up real bad."

"Who did?" Kakashi asked.

"___. She's in the hospital now. Sakura and Goro are trying their best but they can't stop the internal bleeding-"

Kakashi bolted out of the office, almost knocking Naruto down. Goddammit, not again! He screamed in his head, brushing past people as he made his way to the medical unit.

Once he got there he saw Sakura and went up to her. "Where is she?"

"Who, ___?" Sakura asked.

"Yes, of course ___. What room?"

"They're performing a highly skilled chakra skill on her right now," Sakura looked down at her feet. "They said she was badly hurt from Miyuki-San attacking her, and she might not make it out of the injuries are worse than appeared."

Kakashi fell to his knees, his heart dropping and his soul cold. Sakura stepped over and gave him a hug, knowing he is too shocked to return one back. "I'm sorry, sensei." She muttered, crying.

When Sakura stepped back, a medic Jonin came around the corner and looked at Kakashi. "Kakashi Hatake?" He asked.

"What? Please tell me it's good news!" Kakashi got up and put his hands together in prayer.

"She is stabilized now," he explained. "However, she's going to need at least two weeks of recovery time after she wakes up."

"What do you mean after?"

"She's in a coma." The medic Jonin put out, making Kakashi's heart drop even further. "And with how bad of a beating she took, it might be for a month or so."

"C-Can I go see her?" Kakashi begged, tears running down his face.

The Jonin nodded and led Kakashi to the room. Once he pulled the curtain back, Kakashi stepped in and saw ___'s body lying still on the bed, an oxygen tube connected to her nose and a machine, her blood pressure and heart rate connected; practically every machine imaginable she was connected too, and all Kakashi could do was sit down next to you, grab your hand, and cry. He had never cried this hard in his life.

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