Chapter Twenty-Seven :: Meeting Airi

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It had been a week now since Yamato dropper Asami off at the village; you, Kakashi, your team, and Lady Tsunade were waiting with Asami as she stared out at the forest, awaiting Yamato's return. She was siting cross-cross on the ground, meditating again.

"You know, maybe next time she'll teach Hideyoshi a thing or two about being calm." Eiji joked, making Hideyoshi turn red with anger.

"Shut up, you book worm!" He yelled.

You sighed and cracked both their heads with your fists. "Knock it off; all you guys seem to do is fight each other. Stop it just for today, please?"

Eiji and Hideyoshi scoffed, facing away from each other, when a pair of footsteps caught your attention. You looked up, seeing a young woman with a similar kimono as Asami arrive. She had dark tan skin with long white hair that was pulled into a low bun - held together by a blue ribbon - and piercing blue eyes. "I am Airi; I am here to get Asami and escort her back to the Southern Tribe."

"Where's Yamato-San?" Lady Tsunade asked, her hand in Asami's shoulder. Asami's eyes - now more blue - looked up at Airi.

"Yamato-San was sent on an important mission and his return isn't expected till next week," Airi explained. "I am his daughter. I will be taking Asami now."

"Why weren't we informed that you - or someone else - would pick up Asami right away?" You demanded, taking a step forward.

Airi looked at you and you felt like a statue; frozen in place. Every muscle in your body seemed to freeze as Airi stared daggers at you. "You must be ___-San," she began. "Am I wrong?"

"Y-Yeah." You struggled to say.

"I see. Asami constantly speaks highly of you; almost like if you were a mother to her. But I see your position in her life; her sensei outside of the winter times," Airi spoke with a stern voice. "However, if I cannot take Asami back with me, than I shall stay here until our warriors arrive to take the both of us by force."

"We would rather wait for Yamato, or your Kage's message, before we send one of our citizens with you," Lady Tsunade held a kunai at Airi's throat. "And don't try anything on me. I am not someone you want to mess with."

You suddenly felt released and stumbled to the side a bit before regaining balance. "Airi-San, you'll like it here." Asami looked up at her. "They don't have much for fish meals, but everyone is friendly, and you can watch me train with Hideyoshi and Eiji."

Airi didn't say anything until she looked at Lady Tsunade again. "Very well. If you wish to keep me here till further notice, then so be it."

Lady Tsunade nodded before turning her head to Kakashi. "Kakashi-San, show our guest the spare room in our head quarters. She shall remain there for the time being."

You watched as Kakashi led Airi through the village, locking your eyes on the Southern Tribe woman. Even though she wore a kimono, she appeared beautiful, strong, and straight forward. There was something about her that seemed off to you, though. Like how when she looked at you, your body froze up right away. What exactly is she? You thought before a hand landed on your shoulder.

"I know what you're thinking, and I agree." Lady Tsunade muttered. "Something is off about Airi; I will need you and Kakashi to keep a close eye on our guest during her stay. I will send out a message to their tribe and see if I can get something back."

"Got it, Lady Tsunade." You nodded before leading your team back into the village.

"What did the Hokage day to you?" Hideyoshi asked. 

"She just wanted to see how I was feeling." You lied, shrugging your shoulders.

You looked down at Asami out of the corner of your eye and noticed a frown on her face. Her hands were tucked into her sleeves again, but you could tell they were shaking like mad. "Are you okay, Asami-San?" You asked.

"Yes, ___-sensei." Asami said bluntly. "I must go see my aunt now. I will see you guys later."

You watched Asami run off and frowned before scratching your head. Something was going on, and you didn't like where it was going.

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