Where are you?

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A/N: so for a few chapters there will be a lot of gayness between the guys or some random dude i make up so yea, WARNING ITS YAOI. Hi fellow fujoshi fans. Don't kill me please. Its a Mitsuhide X Hideyoshi btw.
It was a regular day for everyone in Azuchi castle.
Mitsunari making tea and failing
Y/N panicking trying to find a dry cloth to wipe the spilled tea
Ieyasu being annoyed
Masamune cooking
Mitsuhide teasing Y/N
Nobunaga eating konpeito while Hideyoshi is not around
Hideyoshi is nowhere to be found
Wait, nowhere? Where did Hideyoshi go?

Mitsuhide POV

I was busy teasing Y/N at the hall since this morning

And if you would listen, anyone can guess that everyone is starting a ruckus as always. But Hideyoshi's nagging voice can't be heard anywhere

"Mitsuhide! Stop teasing me! You've been at it since this morning! Don't you have somewhere better to be?"

"Yes, Lord Mitsuhide, she already seems to be annoyed so please stop"

"Teasing you is just so pleasurable but you're right. I do have somewhere else better to be" I answered her then went towards Lord Nobunaga's chambers.

"Last time I saw him, he seems to be on his way out. If you are looking for him, make sure you distract him long enough so I can eat my konpeito in peace" Nobunaga answered.

My, isn't this a bit odd. I excused myself from Lord Nobunaga's chambers and went to continue my search for the castle's Mother.

Hideyoshi POV

I originally planned to go out to buy a few things I needed but on the way there, I certainly didn't expect to get ambushed by a lot of ronins. So here I am, currently tied up in a cabin
Somewhere in the woods

"Heh...Hideyoshi Toyotomi sure doesn't seem all tough like how the rumors say"

Said one of my captors before punching me in the gut "You don't seem to be all that tough either" I replied back.

"Hey, send a message to Azuchi castle. Tell them that if Nobunaga doesn't come here himself, We'll kill the bastard vassal of his! While we're waiting, lets have fun torturing this man"

If  Lord Nobunaga comes here, it's sure that he will get killed and this ronins doesn't seem to be negotiable. I'm fine with dying as long as it means Lord Nobunaga is safe.

Mitsuhide POV

I just finished asking everyone from the castle about Hideyoshi's whereabouts but it seems that no one knows. It's almost sundown yet he is nowhere to be seen

"Lord Mitsuhide! Lord Mitsuhide!" one of the guards went running towards me with a letter in hand.

"What is the problem?"

"Lord Mitsuhide, Lord Hideyoshi has been kidnapped and the kidnappers has sent Lord Nobunaga this letter!" poor guard seems to have lost all air in his body saying this.

I took the letter from him and started to read it. They want Lord Nobunaga in exchange for Hideyoshi.
Hmmm. "Get my horse ready"

"Lord Mitsuhide, are we not reporting this to Lord Nobunaga?"

"It's not that big. I'm going to save Hideyoshi myself so there is no need to trouble him" then I took off to get my gun. I quickly set out to go to the woods where Hideyoshi is supposedly kept. Please Hideyoshi, be safe.

I left my horse near a bush and sneaked towards the cabin. It was heavily guarded and by heavily guarded six armed men guarding the cabin's perimeter. I might just have to get violent with this.

"Hey! Who are--" before he could even finish his sentence. I stabbed him with a dagger I brought. Oh well, I guess it's just 5 heavily armed men.
I peeked at the window and saw 4 men ganging up on Hideyoshi (A/N: Not THAT ganging up. Get your minds out the gutter)

How sad, Hideyoshi is being beat up. Better stop them. I slowly opened the window and slipped the barrel of my gun inside.
I then shot 2 of the men near Hideyoshi.

"Someone has infil--" My, what a big mouth. I then shot him and heard a lot of footsteps on its way towards where I was.

*Timeskip because I can*

After defeating all of the ronins, I went inside to check on Hideyoshi. He was beaten up badly. "Mitsu....hide?" Hideyoshi can barely even look at me.

"Don't worry, I'm here now"
I cradled him in my arms. "Is Lord Nobunaga-?" "Don't you dare speak another man's name while you are here in my arms"

Hideyoshi POV

Everything is a bit blurry but I can still see Mitsuhide clearly. He was holding me in his arms like I was the most fragile thing in the world.

"What right do you have to prevent me from speaking?"

"Probably because I saved your sorry self and is holding you in my arms in a secluded cabin where I can do things where no one can stop me"

"Alright" I lost consciousness  in his arms

Mitsuhide POV

How cute. If only time would stop at this second. I picked Hideyoshi up and carried him all the way to the horse and back to Azuchi.

"Mitsuhide! What happened to him?!" Nobunaga shouted at me the second he saw me holding Hideyoshi all bruised and beaten.

"Ronins kidnapped him and tortured him." after that short reply. I took off and brought Hideyoshi to his room. I better find Ieyasu but before that, I leaned down and kissed his forehead.
A/N: Oof.

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