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A/N: Shadowblade140 requested this....
No one POV

It was rather peaceful night at Katsugeyama castle. Sasuke was looking at the stars while Shingen is on his way to steal sweets from the kitchen. Kenshin was drinking sake while Yukimura and Y/N was sleeping in their shared futon.

They had no idea of the hilarious but fairly horrible event that will happen the very next day.

Kenshin POV

I woke up this morning feeling rather odd. I felt an arm wrapped around my waist. A MALE arm to be exact. I jolted up and smacked the person who had their arm wrapped around me.

"Hey, what's your problem?! I didn't do anything!"


"Yes, its me. Why do you sound surprised?"

"I don't sleep with men."

He pushed down on the futon and huskily whispered "Oh is that so? I don't mind reminding you what you've been doing with me in private"

I pushed him off of me and stormed out. Only to bump into.....myself? What the?

"Kenshin? Is that you?"

"You know, I know its you Y/N but I can't help but be disturbed when I see Lord Kenshin acting as sweet as you are."

I glared at him. "Sasuke. What is the meaning of this?! Answer or I'll kill you!"

"Y/N! What's the problem? Why'd you stormed off like that?" asked Yukimura.

"You guys are so noisy. It's early in the morning and all of you are already screaming. I'd rather it if you just scream my name, my ever so beautiful goddess." said Shingen before holding my hand and kissed it. I felt angry and smacked him.


"Sasuke! Please stop.... Umm well, Kenshin?" -Y/N

I planned on choking him but was easily stopped by Yukimura who hoisted me on his shoulder. "I believe, we would all appreciate it if you can explain this odd situation. Sasuke" said Yoshimoto.

"Well, before we start talking about this, since Kenshin is in Y/N's body. I guess, Kenshin should dress Y/N's body more properly."- said Yoshimoto
Wait, that would mean.....I would--

"NO WAY! Kenshin would see me naked!" shrieked Y/N

"Well, I believe there would be no issue if Yuki do it then. Y/N and Yuki are lovers and those marks at her body would be enough proof that Yuki already saw her naked."

.....ok, just seeing myself blush gives me weird feelings. I struggled to get off of Yukimura's shoulders "I'd really rather not have a man touch me." I retorted.

"Would you rather destroy Y/N's honor by touching her body when you are obviously not her lover?" Shingen replied.

...dammit. Yukimura just went back in his room and started to undress me.



Sasuke believes that this may be some kind of effect by the wormhole. He said that we should just wait it out. After Sasuke's explaination, Yoshimoto and Shingen left. Kenshin (?) then walked up to me with Yuki.

Kenshin sat beside me while Yuki told me that he is getting us some drinks. After he left, an awkward atmosphere formed around me and Kenshin.

"Hey Y/N."


"Are you happy with your relationship with Yukimura?"

"Yes. He is truly a wonderful lover."

"Look here, I do not want you to return my feelings but I want you to know that. I love you. I really do. I'm sorry that I have to tell you this but I just cannot hide it anymore. I also know how awkward it is to see yourself confessing to well, yourself. But back to the main topic, I love you Y/N."


"Kenshin, as much as I appreciate your feelings, I already have Yukimura."

"Like I said, you don't have to return my feelings. I just simply love you."

He(?) leaned in and kissed me on my (his?) lips.


Yuki quickly pulled Kenshin gently away from me.


And they started bickering and bickering.

*In the shadows*

Sasuke and Yoshimoto and Shingen were looking at the three. "This certainly is entertaining." said Yoshimoto. The next day after that, Yukimura and Kenshin started a fight for Y/N. While they were fighting, a vassal said something that made everyone freeze.

"Now that I thought about it. Lord Yukimura is truly an admirable man. I heard Lady Y/N moaning in their room early in the morning yesterday."

A/N: ......I have no words for this. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

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