Moto Motonari

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A/N: Here we go again.....
Third Person POV

"Moto Moto likes you Y/N" Sasuke stated. "Yes I know. I was the one who first told you about it." she replied. The pair were at their usually meeting at the nearby sweets shop near where Motonari's ship is docked. Little did the two know,  Motonari happened to overhear this conversation.

"Hmm.... I wonder who is the little runt who likes me girl.(A/N: .....I tried ok. I tried)

Motonari waited until night time where he can talk to Y/N in private. The couple went in their room and sat on their bed before Motonari finally spoke to her about the matter.

"Hey Darl, can I talk to ye for a moment?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Who's Moto Moto?"

His gaze held a visible fire to them. It was the kind of fire where his jealousy was at it's peak. One false move could very much lead to a night where she would be punished mercilessly.

The question did take her by surprise. She actually decided to start calling him Moto Moto in secret due to the past event where he mentioned that he liked his girls ram with something. Something ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)....... And so she told him about it.

It made him realize that he was actually being jealous over something so irrelevant that it made him almost slap himself. As he was busy telling himself how stupid he is, Y/N kissed him goodnight then went to bed.
Or at least that's what she planned to do until Motonari decided to be gettin funky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) tonight.
A/N: I honestly want to know what is wrong with me........ Not like I'll make any effort to know it.

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