Chapter 5: I wanna know...

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Doug has been awake for awhile, just watching his beautiful girlfriend sleep. She lets out tiny snores, just barely audible to the world. He drew tiny circles into the small of her back until she finally started to awaken. Her eyes flutter slowly as she looks around. When she sees Doug, she smiles, and pulls her body incredibly close to his.

"Good morning my beautiful dreamer. How did you sleep?" Doug asked kissing the top of Evie's head.

"Mmmm, just wonderful. Thank you for staying last night. It really helped," she replied as she lifted her face to meet his. She gave him a lingering kiss, and then kept her forehead on his for a moment, breathing in his scent.

"Of course, Evie. There is no other place I'd rather be," he smiled down at her. Evie set her head back on his bare chest, taking in the moment.

Evie cleared her throat, "Hey Doug? Last night, what you said to my mom. Is that what you really feel? Do you really think that we have a shot with this?"

Doug flipped her over onto her back so that he was the one on top of her. He smiled, and took her cheeks into his hands. He began to kiss her jawline, and her temples, kissed her eyelids, and finally reached her lips. "Genevieve, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you more than anything on this earth, and I would do anything to protect you. I was going to wait a little longer to do this, but I can't think of a better time than the present."

He hopped off the bed to where his dress pants were, and took out a small dark blue box from his pocket. He kneeled next to the bed, while Evie sat up, unable to make out words.

"Evie, ever since the day I met you, you were it for me. You challenge the way I think, you make me laugh, you are the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on, you are so quick to forgive, to give other people second and third chances, including myself. You're selfless, and kind. You are so incredibly brave and loyal. You make me want to be the best version of myself everyday. Babe, you have always been exactly what I need," He starts to tear up as he opens the box. "I promise to laugh at all your corny jokes, and to dance with you all hours of the night. I promise to always take care of you, make sure you have everything you need. I promise to fight for you when you have given up on yourself, and I promise to remind you how special you are to me. I promise to support you in all that you do. But, most importantly, I promise to always love you, and to make sure you feel loved every single day of the rest of our lives. Evie, will you marry me?"

Evie was too happy she wasn't able to say anything, she just started shaking her head 'yes.' Doug got up quickly off of his knee, and slipped the beautiful engagement ring on Evie's left ring finger. She was so overcome with emotion that she was the one who grabbed his face this time. Their lips crashed against each others in a heated kiss.

"Yes, yes. A million times yes. I love you so much. Always have, always will," Evie said finally.

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