Chapter 8: But maybe I'm just too bad

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The first trimester was brutal for Evie. She was always sick, had the craziest cravings, and constantly cried. Doug was the most patient person, whether that be him holding her hair back when she was sick, running to the store at two in the morning for her latest strange concoction, or sitting and holding her while she cried about how cute the puppy on the movie was. He had moved in with her right after they found out they were expecting, and it hasn't been the easiest transition. Obviously, Evie wasn't herself, and Doug knew that. He never held her accountable for the mood swings, or anger towards him. Through it all, he stayed quite quiet, and at the end of her being upset, he simply stated, "you're right. I was wrong. I love you, so so much." Evie never stayed mad long, how could she when she had the world sweetest fiancee.

They hit the twelve week mark of the pregnancy sooner than they realized, which launched her into the second trimester. She wasn't as moody, or as sick. In fact, she started eating quite a bit, and a tiny baby bump emerged from her perfect little waist. She wanted Doug around at all times, holding her, hugging her, rubbing her back or belly. She became what most people call, an attention hog. She craved being around the love of her life, but he didn't mind one bit. They laid on the couch together one night, his hand stroking Evie's belly, as he quietly whispered the sweetest things to his unborn child.

"Hi baby. I'm your daddy, and I already love you so much," he kissed her stomach softly. "You are going to be the smartest, and the kindest, and the most talented baby, just like your mama," he smiled up at Evie as he finished his sentence.

"Let's get married now, before we tell everyone, before the news of the baby breaks. Let's go, please Doug," she said quickly wiping away a few tears.

"What? Evie, didn't you want this big grand white wedding? We are a week away from our High School Graduation, which you are giving the valedictorian speech at, and then we were going to keep planning, and have the wedding in eighteen months... You really want to change all those plans my beautiful dreamer?"

"Doug, I love you, more than anything on this earth. I love this baby just as much already, because they are half of you, and half of me. They are a representation of the love we have for each other. Why not now? I can't hide my pregnancy forever. I am starting to show quite a bit, and Mal is becoming very suspicious. I don't need the big fancy wedding, I just want to be your wife, to have the same last name as our child, but most importantly, I just want you," Evie replied.

"Okay, how about the night of graduation? We tell the gang everything, and we go to Fairy Godmother, and have her do the ceremony. But after that, you have to let me take you away on the big grand honeymoon that you deserve."

"After all the craziness with the baby, and graduation coming up, I would be more than happy to leave for a couple days with my husband to be."

"Then it's settled. T-minus seven days until you, my gorgeous princess, become Mrs. Doug White. How do you feel about that?" He asked nervously.

"I love you, lover boy. Always have, always will," she said as she guided his face up to her own and they shared what can only be described as a true loves kiss.

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