Chapter 7: He's so good, got my back

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Evie and Doug were on Cloud 9. He had proposed to her a few weeks back, and everything seemed to be going to plan. Evie had decided on a date for the wedding, about a year and a half away. She had always dreamed of a winter wedding, all the blues and whites, the snow flakes, but most importantly, she would have enough time to make her wedding dress along with four bridesmaids dresses. She had been sketching for weeks, and finally decided on a style she liked for her friends outfits. Her wedding dress has always been the same- large princess style dress, strapless, whitest white, with a simple dark blue ribbon to tie around her waist.

She had set down her sketch book, as her stomach began to turn. She ran to the bathroom again for the third time since waking up that morning. She had been unable to keep anything down for the last week, and her sweet fiancée was starting to worry about her. Doug heard her from the kitchen, and he ran to help her. When he got to the bathroom, he held back her gorgeous blue hair, and rubbed light circles onto her back. When she was finished, she sat back against him, trying to take deep breaths. Doug wiped the tears that were forming in her eyes, as he held her tightly.

"Babe, I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. It's been a week. You promised me after that if you weren't better by today, I could take you to the doctor. Please, Evie. I hate seeing you in pain," he said tearfully.

Evie nodded, unable to say much as another nausea spell came on suddenly. Doug just held her hair back, and waited it out. At the end of it, he scooped her up, and took her to the car. It was about a five minute drive to Auradon Emergency Room, but to Doug, it felt like a life time. Evie sat in the passenger seat, clinging onto her fiancées' hand as tightly as she could. She was really sick, and she was petrified as to what was going to happen. Doug had just asked her to marry him, they were about to start the rest of their lives together. They had talked about moving in together next month, and about how many kids they were going to have. They talked about growing old together, having their grand babies come and visit their castle. Evie kept thinking to herself, 'this can't be it for us. We have so much more ahead of us.'

When they got to the hospital, Doug hopped out of the car, and ran over to the passenger side door. He quickly swung it open, threw the keys at the valet, and grabbed Evie. He bolted it inside, and got her all checked in. There was barely anyone in the ER at the time, so within minutes Evie was taken back. They asked her what her symptoms were, and how long she has been experiencing them for. They took her weight, blood pressure, heart rate, all the standard testing that the hospital needs before they asked her a series of questions about her health and her family's health.

"Any heart disease or diabetes in your family?" The nurse asks and Evie nods no. "Okay, perfect. So the symptoms you have are nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and a bit feverish every once in a while? Is that correct?"

Evie nods yes, and then her eyes grew, to the point Doug was afraid they would pop out of their sockets. He ran to her, and started rubbing her back again.

"Alrighty then, we are just going to run a few quick tests, shouldn't take more than a few minutes, and we can see what we find," the nurse smiles at the couple. "Now, Doug if you don't mind waiting in the lobby for just a moment, we will come and get you when we finish the testing. You can wait with Genevieve for the test results a little later."

Doug quickly nodded yes, kissed Evie on the top of the head, and headed out to the lobby. He was pacing back and forth, wondering what kind of tests they could possibly run on her that could help determine what was wrong with her. An eternity went by before the nurse came out and told Doug he could go back to his fiancée. He practically sprinted to her room, and when he got there, he saw Evie hooked up to some fluids. She finally had color back in her cheeks, and a smile on her face.

"Hi lover boy," she sighed with relief when he reached her bed.

"Evie, you scared me. I was terrified that I was going to lose you," he began with a few tears escaping his eyes.

"Sorry babe, can't get rid of me that easily," she giggled as she reached for his hand.

Doug sat down next to her bed, and willingly took Evie's hand in his own when there was a small knock on the door which startled the two love birds. The door quickly opened, and in walked the nurse, along with who appeared to be the doctor.

"Hello there, Miss Grimhilde. Looks like your test results came back all normal except one thing," he paused and looked at Doug and Evie. "Congrats, you're pregnant. I would definitely follow up with your OBGYN, make an appointment as soon as you can, but from what we can see, the baby is totally healthy."

Both the doctor and the nurse had left just as quickly as they had entered the room. Doug was in complete shock, unable to comprehend any words. Evie just stared at the wall directly in front of her, her hand still in the love of her life's.

"A baby... I'm going to have a baby," Evie managed to spit out. "Doug, we are going to have a baby."

He finally started to come to and realized what was happening. His heart was fluttering. He lightly touched his fiancées' cheek, and she turned to look at him. He brought his forehead to Evie's and sat there for a moment.

"Evie, this was definitely not planned. We were always so careful. But, it did happen. We are 18, weeks away from graduating Auradon Prep. I am engaged to the most beautiful, talented, funny, intelligent, kind woman. I love her more than I can possibly say, and I know she feels the same about me. Yes, this speeds up our plans a bit, but I've said it before and I'll say it again. There is nothing we can't overcome as long as we have each other," Doug says as he kisses Evie's forehead.

Evie sniffled a bit, "Doug, I am so sorry. I know you wanted to go to college, and we were going to wait to have kids, and I was going to build my company. I am sorry all our plans are shifting, but I'm not sorry I am pregnant. I'm not sorry I get to raise a beautiful baby with the love of my life. I am not sorry I get to wake up next to the man of my dreams, someone I get to share the rest of my life with. Lover boy, I love you. Always have, always will."

Doug crashed his lips into Evie's as she smiled into the kiss. She was the first to pull away with a frightened look on her face.

"What if I end up being like my mom?" she asked very matter of factly.

Doug laughed, "Evie, you are nothing like your mom. You're going to be the most patient, most loving, most tender-hearted mom this world has ever seen. And this baby," he reaches out and rubs her stomach, "is going to be the luckiest baby in the world."

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