Chapter 13: So here I go

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A week has gone by, and there has been no change on Evie's status, tho she was still holding strong. Doug spent hours by her side every day, talking to her, holding her hand, telling her about their beautiful daughter.

"Evie, I can't wait for you to meet her. She looks just like you, but she got my nose, poor girl," he chuckled to himself. "She has barely any hair, but the sprigs she does have are hues of blue, just like her beautiful mama," Doug stopped and sighed. "She opened her eyes today, and I thought my heart was going to burst. We never really talked about names, and it feels weird naming our child without you, so she is just 'baby girl' for the time being. They keep asking, and my answer is always the same, 'when her mom wakes up, we will give her a name together."

Doug stops and starts to sob. "She looks so helpless with all the cords hooked up to her, and her feeding tube down her throat, it's almost too much to handle alone. The worst thing about all of this is that her mom is in the same boat, same tubes and machines. I don't think I am strong enough for all of this."

Doug felt Evie's hand grasp his slightly, her eyes fluttering. He quickly hit the 'call nurse' button located on her bed, and the doctor came running in along with three other nurses. They quickly rushed Doug out of the room as they examined the situation. After what felt like a lifetime, the head nurse told him he was allowed to go see his wife, but to help her stay calm, she is still dealing from a lot of stress.

Doug entered the room slowly, and Evie started to beam. "Hi lover boy, I missed you."

He began to cry as he reached the side of her bed, and gently kissed her forehead. "Evie, I thought I was never going to see you again. Thank you for coming back to me."

"You can't get rid of me that easily, babe. We are a family, remember?" Evie said matter of factly. "Speaking of, how is our baby girl?"

Doug kept smiling like an idiot as he told his darling wife all about their beautiful daughter.

"Can I see her?" Evie asked the nurse when she came in to make sure she was doing okay.

"Yes, but let us help you down to the NICU, okay? You won't be able to hold her, but they may let you touch her today," the nurse replied back.

They got Evie into the wheelchair and into the elevator where Doug was allowed to take over. He pushed the three button and off they went. When they got down to the NICU everything was very quiet. They were asked to wash their hands, and Doug took her over to see their baby. Evie starred down at the tiny infant, tears forming in her eyes. She was just over three pounds, tiny blue hair peaked out of the cap on her head, and she had the cutest little button nose, just like her daddy.

"Evie, I haven't named her yet, she needs a name," Doug stated.

Without hesitation Evie blurted, "Isla, her name is Isla. I came from the Isle, that was my home," she stopped and looked up at her husband. "You both are my home now, and I wouldn't want it any other way."

Doug leaned down and kissed his wife's lips gently. "I love that, my beautiful dreamer."

The couple sat in silence as they watched in awe at the miracle that was Isla Hope White, and in that moment, they realized that they were home.

Thank you guys so much for all the support! Isla is said "eye-luh" in case anyone was confused. I was really struggling on what name to give her, so hopefully y'all like it!

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