Chapter 11: I think we feel the same

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I am so sorry I have been MIA! College officially started for me, and it has been kicking my behind. But I have a couple days off, so hopefully I can get some good chapters out for you all.

The two newlyweds thought that the summer would be a breeze for them. They had just gotten married, Evie was pregnant with their first child, her clothing line was a hit for not only all of Auradon, but everyone on the isle wanted an item of clothing from her as well, and they were completely and irrevocably in love with each other. But, as the months passed, it got harder and harder to see each other on a daily basis, even tho they lived in the same house.

Doug had already started classes at the university, and Evie was nonstop working on her designs. Doug made it a point that every night he would make dinner, whether Evie was able to get away from work or not. Most nights he would make her a plate and put it in the fridge for when she was finished. He would shoot her a quick text saying, 'Supper is in the refrigerator, I love you. I hope you had a good day.' He often went to bed alone too, which was starting to get super frustrating to sweet Doug. And one day, it all was too much for him, he decided it was time he talked to her about it.

"Evie, can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked as he walked into her studio.

"Um, yeah. Of course, I just have to finish this last detail, and then I'm all yours," she quickly replied back without looking up at him.

Doug sat down next to her, and reached out to grab her hand, making her stop what she was doing and look at him.

"Evie, please."

"Okay, you have my full attention," she says as she puts down her pencil.

"Babe, I hardly ever see you anymore. It's been three months since our wedding, and I feel more single now than I did before we were dating," he paused and smirked a bit. "You're gone when I wake up in the morning, and come to bed hours after I am already asleep. I barely get a text back from you, or even a phone call giving me the schedule for the day. I just feel like you're prioritizing your work over me."

Evie sat there quite shocked that all of this was coming out of her husbands mouth.

"Doug, I work my ass off for the business that I have. You know that, you're my accountant. This summer has been crazy busy, and I just want to make sure that the products that leave my studio are authentically me. I am doing what I think is best, and if you don't support me, then maybe this was a mistake..." she adds hesitantly.

"You think I don't support you? Evie, what do you think I have been doing for over two years? I have helped you every step of the way with the business, I even took sewing lessons so that I could help out every once in a while. How dare you even put it out there that I don't support you," he quickly retaliates and gets up to walk away.

By this point, Doug has poked the "bear" and this bear was pissed.

"Douglas, you get back here right this instant," she yells after him.

"I just miss you," he shouts over her, tears streaming down his face. "I miss our mornings together, and how you never wake up to your alarms so I have to kiss you multiple times before you even open your eyes. I miss our cuddles for movie nights, and I miss the horrible movies you make me watch. I miss the way you look at me when you're having a bad day, or when you come to me to look over a design you just can't quite get right. I miss us, Evie. I miss the us that held hands, and laughed at each others jokes. I miss the us that does date night once a week, and hosts dinner parties for our close friends. Because lately, I am the only one putting in any work, I am the sole reason there is an us."

"Doug, you really think I don't care about this relationship?" she looks at him with sadness in her eyes as she approaches him. She reaches out her hand, and he graciously accepts it. "I love you more than anything on this earth. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I am so incredibly happy I am your wife. I'm so, so sorry I have neglected you the last couple of months, that was never my intentions. I just wanted to get as much done as possible in the studio before this little one got here," she motions to her belly. "but I didn't realize what I was forgetting about, and I am genuinely so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

Doug smiled at his beautiful wife, and leaned down to kiss her. This is the first kiss they have shared in two months, and to say it got heated quickly was an understatement. Evie broke away first and quickly spat out, "Let me make it up to you?" as she winked and they made their way upstair to their master bedroom.

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