Chapter 10: True love can save the day

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Jane had gone to get her mom, Fairy Godmother, and catch her up as to what was about to happen. Doug and Evie sat cuddled up on their couch, surrounded by their closest friends as they waited. Ten minutes go by before Jane and Fairy Godmother come barreling into the cottage, huge grins on their faces.

"I heard someone wants to get married? I'd be more than happy to assist," Fairy Godmother stated with the most sincere look on her face.

Mal leads the gang to the garden where she had set up a small wedding underneath the most gorgeous flowering trees. She had gathered enough flowers for some bouquets and had even set up a few chairs for the occasion. To say she was excited was a bit of an understatement.

Everyone was seated as Doug and Fairy Godmother made their way towards the front. Mal holds Evie's hand as she walks her best friend down the isle towards a whistled "here comes the bride" courtesy of her fellow VK's. When they reach Doug, Mal hugs Evie and turns to find her seat. Doug reaches his hand out for his finacées as he uses his other hand to wipe the tears off his cheeks.

"You may all be seated," Fairy Godmother sighed. "Friends and family of this beautiful couple. Thank you for sharing such a special day with us. For all of you who know these two, you know the great love they have for each other. Doug is like a son to me, always has been, and always will be. When he first met our sweet Evie, he told me, 'I'm going to marry that girl one day. Just have to convince her I'm her prince charming.' Well, somehow he convinced her," she paused and everyone began to laugh. "She was it for him, she was his princess, his soul mate, the love of his life. Over the years I have watched the love grow between these two, and I couldn't have picked a more deserving couple. They have both been through some hard things in life, have had their fair share of bad days and drama. But these two imperfect human beings found each other, fell in love with eachothers flaws. And I wish them all the happiness in the world."

Fairy Godmother stops and turns to Jane who gives her a tissue. "Now, for the fun part, the vows. From my understanding you both wrote your own, am I correct?"

Evie and Doug both shake their heads yes. Fairy Godmother instructs Doug to start.

"Evie, my beautiful dreamer. You've always been it for me, my love. You've always been my person, and I love you more than words can express. I promise to fight for you when you forget your worth. I promise to help make the bed every morning, and mess it up with you every night," he paused and winked gaining a small giggle from her. "I promise to always be there for you, through the good and the bad. I promise to apologize often, and fix my mistakes quickly. I promise to love our children as much as I love you. I promise to always take your side on things, and to never leave when I'm angry. But most importantly, I promise to love you every second of every day for the rest of my life," Doug finished while tears streamed down his face.

"Evie, now it's your turn," Fairy Godmother said.

"Doug, wow. How do I follow up with that?" She smiled, and looked into his eyes. "Doug, when I first met you, I didn't know what was right in front of me. I was chasing after something that would never be mine because it wasn't meant to be. When I finally woke up and realized what I could lose, you, I was afraid it was too late. But you saw something in me, and we quickly fell in love. I never knew what love felt like until you came around. You changed my world completely, you made me want to be the best me I could be. You never ever asked me to change who I was, and you always encouraged me to go after my dreams. Lover boy, I promise here and now, in front of our closest friends who are now our family, that I will always protect you. I promise to trust in you, and to try and be levelheaded. I promise to fight for, and with you and only you. I promise to let you win some of the arguments, and I promise to always make up after they happen if ya know what I mean," Evie now winks at the love of her life, making him blush. "I promise to love and cherish you until my very last breath. Because, Doug, I do love you so, so much. Always have, always will."

Everyone was in tears, looking at this beautiful couple right in front of them. The love they have for each other radiated into the universe as they held hands, foreheads touching.

"Well, by the power vested in me, by the great states of Auradon, I now pronounce you man, and wife. Douglas, you may now kiss your bride."

Both Evie and Doug smiled as he crashed his lips to hers. They shared a sweet, tender kiss, one filled with innocence, and all of their friend clapped and cheered. Doug then leaned down and kissed his wife's blossoming belly. He couldn't believe that this was his life. He had just married the girl of his dreams, and soon, they'd have a beautiful baby of their own. All Doug could think about was how lucky he was as how his life was turning out to be.

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