A New Dark Mage

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The Black Eagles didn't need another dark mage. Hubert was enough as it was, and creepy enough to boot. So, when news got spread around that there was gonna be another dark mage, Golden Deer house was terrified.

"I just hope they're not as freaky as Hubert. I mean, he is creepy, right?" Hilda spoke, as the Golden Deer house slowly began to nod in agreement.

"I hope she's not scary..." Said Marianne.

"It's a She? How do you know?" Asked Lorenz, his usually snobby look on his face, but now interested at the mention of a woman.

"Oh, Marianne and I heard Seteth and Flayn talking about her earlier in the Library. Apparently she's pretty strong, and has caused some trouble, which is why she's coming to Garreg Mach. She almost accidentally burned down her old school." Said Lysithea. "So basically, she's gonna be trouble."

"Nothing we can't handle." Said Claude, playing with one of his arrows.

"Claude don't get me started." Leonie stated. "Your name may as well be troubled as far as everyone here is concerned."

"Exactly. We are used to trouble. No matter who it is, everyone will continue to fear the deer." Claude laughed, putting his arrow down.

"Are you sure they don't fear the Lion? I mean, they have Professor Blythe, and they won the Mock Battle." Said Raphael.

"Then, they will learn to fear the Deer, as soon as I- Nevermind." Claude was going to talk about a poison he had been working on, but realized that was not a good plan.

"Pardon the interruption." A creepy voice came from the back of the Golden Deer classroom. "We have someone you have yet to meet." Everyone turned to look at the Raven Male, stepping in slowly with Edelgard and another girl. She had (H/L) (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and a smile plastered on her face. It wasn't creepy, though. It seemed genuine and real, like it could light up a room.

To Claude, she didn't look like a Dark Mage. It looked to him like she was a girl with secrets.

And that was intriguing.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N). Lady Rhea and Seteth thought it a good idea that I come and introduce myself to the other classes. So, uh, I'm a Dark Mage, I grew up near the Capitol in the Empire, and that's all you need to know about me." She stated calmly. "It's good to meet you all."

"It's good to meet you too." Said Claude. He was thinking about her as she stood there, admiring her figure in the uniform. Listening to her talk, she didn't seem as happy as she appeared. What did she know?

"If you could excuse us now, we'll be on our way." Said Edelgard. "We may not see you all again until the Battle of The Eagle and Lion. Good luck." Edelgard spoke. She seemed to hold close to Y/N. Did they know each other?

Later, Y/N was no where to be seen.

"Why are you even looking for her, Claude?" Hilda asked. "And why do you need me to help you do it?"

"Well, it's obvious. She's a wild card as far as we know. The Battle of The Eagle and Lion is in two weeks. We either have to find her out or find a mysterious stomach bug." He winked.

"I'm right here, you know." Came a voice from behind them. It was Y/N, wearing her school uniform and twirling a dagger.

"Oh hey Y/N. We were just talking about you." Said Hilda, smiling and covering Claude's mouth.

"So I heard. If I suddenly get sick, I know what house leader to bring my complaint to." She smirked, stepping closer. "If you're so interested in what I can do, we can always spar at the training grounds."

"Funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing." Claude responded, stepping closer to her.

"So that's why we're here?" Asked Lysithea, annoyed.

"I think it'll be interesting. Claude was right to see what we're up against, though, maybe we should more worry about Captain Jeralt's daughter." Leonie said, seemingly intrigued by "Captain Jeralt's Daughter".

All of Golden Deer was watching. After all, Claude wasn't known to spar often. They were being overseen by one of the guards.

"Ready? Go." He stated plainly.

Claude had a strategy. "So, you and Hubert? I didn't expect him to get a girlfriend." He attempted to throw her off, while loading his bow. She seemed surprised and stood still. "Gotcha!" He said as he shot.

She teleported. Before Claude could think, he heard a voice behind him. "Too slow." He felt the shock of thunder hit him hard, knocking him to the ground.

"Sorry, but as cute as you are, your words won't do much to me." She knelt next to him, talking. "Better luck next time, though."

"Expect that stomach sickness, Y/N." He coughed, getting up and laughing a bit.

"I'll be ready for it, Claude." She waved as she left.

"I've never seen that spell. Not in combat, anyway. She's strong. Lysithea, will you be ready for her? Your magic against hers could be our best bet." Claude explained, looking to the short white haired female.

"Of course, she's nothing I can't handle."

"He's nothing I can't handle." She said to the white haired female before her. "Sure, he could probably beat me in hand to hand, but neither of us use close-range combat."

"Good. As our plan moves forward, we'll need everyone soon. I'm relying on you as much as Monoca or Hubert, Y/N. We all have our parts to play now."

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