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5 years after the fall of Garreg Mach, a Kingdom Army emerges. They carry the crest of House Blaiddyd, and apparently have both Dimitri and the Professor.

"You shouldn't go, Y/N. Lorenz wouldn't want this, and he already has Ferdinand at his side." Linhardt said, watching Y/N prepare for battle "You've heard of what Dimitri does."

"Of course I have. I've beaten him with my magic before."

"You've also lost to him with your magic, And you're out of Practice." He expressed, Sherbet hiding behind his leg. "Sherbet needs you here."

"Linhardt, She has you. I'm sure you'll be fine for just a few days while I go stand with Lorenz."

"I'm really not going to talk you out of this, am I?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Then, be safe." He said.

"Mommy!!" Sherbet ran up. "Mommy, please don't go!!"

She smiled at the little 3 year old, kneeling down to be next to her. She wiggled Sherbet's nose, smiling. "I'll be home soon. Mommy just has to go for a little bit."

Sherbet tried to hold on to her mother's robes as she left, but Lindhart held her. "Be safe, alright? Don't do anything-" She had shut the door, rushing to leave. "-Reckless."

"Ladislada no! I will protect this area." Ferdinand yelled. Y/N and Lorenz approached, but quickly realized the weight of the situation.

"Is that...the professor? Why would someone like that join such a senseless fight?" Lorenz asked solemnly.

"Lorenz, Y/N, there you are. I am heading south, so I will leave this area to you." Ferdinand stated, but looked to Y/N concernedly. "Foxxen, should you be out now? Has Hubert returned to watch-"

"Do not worry about me Ferdinand. Focus on your own. She is fine." Y/N said, her voice muffled by her mask. "Focus on the fight."

"Right." He sighed. Y/N and her magicians took his place, watching as Dimitri and his soldiers approached Ferdinand's movements. The professor...

There was mercy in her eyes, as she watched-

"Uncle Aegir! Uncle Aegir!" Sherbet yelled, while pulling on his long hair.

He turned to the two year old, Y/N laughing. He looked, realizing she hadn't eaten any of her gummies on her own.

"What's this, little Sherbet?" He picked one up, waving it in front of her. "Because I think mommy asked very specifically that you eat these." He said. "So open up!" He inched it closer.

She opened her mouth. "Aaaaa..." She waited, sticking her tongue out. He placed it on, as she made an odd slurping noise.

"You two..." Y/N said. "You make quite the Uncle,-

"FERDINAND!" Y/N screamed through her mask, as his own cry rang out. He had been cut down by Dimitri's holy weapon. She wanted to run to him, but was held back by Lorenz.

"Y/N, you shouldn't be here. Not against Ferdinand. Go now, leave here." He said to her, still holding her arm.

"Lorenz, I won't leave you." She said. She looked to the other bridge, and saw the Prince's vassal approach them. She saw Dedue make eye contact with his Lord and proceed forward. "Besides, I don't think there's much room for escape now."

"Ah, if it isn't Foxxen, one of Edelgard's own Retainers. Tell me, what woman is truly under that mask?" Dimitri stepped forward.


"Not one to answer? Fine. I shall find out when I take it from your shoulders!" He yelled, running towards her as Dedue blocked the other exit, hoping to engage Lorenz.

She was going to use her teleportation magic,,, but lack of practice had gotten to the Mage. She wanted to do anything, but was reduced to pulling a Levin sword from her side and attempting to use it to hold off his Holy Weapon.

One strike, two strikes, three strikes were blocked, but the fourth-

"If you don't love him, then why not contact Claude?" Lorenz asked, standing in his nice suit and fixing Y/N's hair as they both listened to the wedding's lovely music. "I'm sure he would love to fly you away on some frivolous journey."

"Mommy!!" The little two year old ran up to her mother, pulling on her dress as Y/N picked her up in response.

"I love her, and he's enough. We make it work Lorenz." Y/N responded.

"Right, the little one."  He sighed. "You mustn't let her keep you from too much, wether it be practice or- never mind, she may be worth keeping you from that."

"Lorenz, you know nothing could keep me from my constant practice and study."

Lorenz got in the way of a blow meant for Y/N. It still hit Y/N in the side, but Lorenz took the blunt. He fell limp atop her, sucking in some final breaths.

She felt blood on her side, but she couldn't feel much of anything now. She was weak, and out of practice. The one thing Lorenz has told her not to be.

"Two with one strike." Dimitri chuckled. He was truly insane wasn't he? "Let's go. Foxxen was weak. Whoever is under that mask is of no concern now."

  "Foxxen... I wonder if she was our classmate, too..." Annette sighed. Y/N was barely conscious now, all but dead under Lorenz. Was Lorenz dead? Was this the power of Dimitri and his weapon.

The Kingdom army shuffled off by Dimitri's lead.

Y/N was cold, or at least starting to be. Everything around her wasn't even there anymore. She had failed everyone, and she didn't even say goodbye...

But, as she felt failure, a warmth wrapped her up, and made her sleep... more comfortable. She wasn't cold anymore.

But she knew that Ferdinand and Lorenz would always be cold, because they were the casualties of Dimitri.

On that day, everyone except for her

Was gone

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