Claude Von Riegan

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Y/N was shaken awake. "Y/N, dear, it's Professor Manuela. You've been in here an unhealthy amount of time."

The brunette professor grimaced as the girl sat up. "Did I fall asleep...?" Y/N mumbled, rubbing her head. She wondered if everything had been a dream.

Manuela sighed. "Please get out and change. You could get in bad shape Y/N." She said. Y/N listened to Manuela, getting up and stumbling as she did. Manuela sighed. "Y/N, one last thing."

"Claude von Riegan... He seems to have interest in you, but please be careful. He's a troublemaker, and likes to... mess with people. Obviously, he doesn't do so like Sylvain, but is aware of his looks and will mess with some girls. Please, be careful with him." She said.

Y/N nodded. "Thank you Professor Manuela. Oh, but about Claude..."

Claude stepped into the Golden Deer classroom. He smiled at his class as he did, but saw a new face right next to where he normally sat.

No. Way.

"Y/N?" He asked, walking up to the girl. She almost broke her quill as he did. "You... My convincing worked?" He asked.

She blushed for a moment. "Well,,, in a way. I was actually beginning to consider your offers before that. But then, after you left me in the sauna, I talked to Manuela who found me. Even Edelgard was surprisingly okay with it." She smiled. "So, now I'm a deer."

He got this big, wide grin on his face. "Welcome, Lady Y/N-"

"Claude, no. Stay away from her." Lysithea said, pulling Y/N to the row behind Claude between she and Hilda. "Y/N, if he ever messes with you, let us know."

"Aw, c'mon guys. Do you really think I'd scare off a new member of the deers so quickly?" He sighed. "You guys truly have no faith in me as a house leader."

"You're right, we don't." Lysithea replied.

"Ow. I'm hurt, Lysithea." He said, feigning as though an arrow had hit him in the chest.

As the lecture began, Y/N got to know Hilda and Lysithea a bit better. Hilda tried to pass off her workload at least twice, and Lysithea enjoyed talking about magic from Embarr and how it differed from that found in Alliance schools.

"We should all go together one day." Marianne spoke up when class was over. "To Deridriu. Since  Y/N has never been I mean..."

"You mean, for like a feast? I'm in." Raphael stated.

"Maybe the new professor and even Captain Jeralt can come. We can do... a Graduation celebration!" Leonie said excitedly.

"I suppose I will attend if the rest of you do as well." Lorenz sighed.

"You two would come, right Y/N and Claude?" Ignatz Asked, excited by the idea as well.

Claude sighed. "If you guys want to, who am I to refuse?" He chuckled a bit. "What about you Milady, thoughts?"

——(I'll give a warning. Past this point will be Chapter 9+ Spoilers!! Please, be aware)

"I actually think it's a wonderful idea." Edelgard stated. "They'll grow to trust you."

"In battle with them, they may spare you if you are in trouble and take off your mask. Lady Foxxen, or should I say Y/N, this will be a good plan." Hubert stated.

Y/N smiled. She had come to them with the idea to join the Golden Deers, and they seemed to like it.

"Of course, I trust you will continue to grow the relationship between you and Claude." Edelgard smiled softly. "I would like it if Claude could join us, although, I do not see that one as a dream that I can bring to fruition. It's a shame, he's very skilled with the bow."

Y/N nodded. She bowed slightly. "Of course Lady Edelgard. Trust me when I say the Golden Deer house will not interrupt your plans. I will be sure of it." She picked up a fox mask, feeling the cold metal with her hands.

"Do you like it? Lady Edelgard asked I get us new ones. Wouldn't want anyone to find out Foxxen and The Flame Emperor attend Garreg Mach Monastery." Hubert explained.

Truth be, the future Empress had two powerful mages rested in her right hand. Hubert, the obvious, but also a childhood friend, Y/N.

Y/N had been trained in secret by her mother, who had been a wanted a criminal in the Empire for 11 years by the time she was caught. Y/N was expected to be a servant to Lady Edelgard, but instead the two were soon inseparable friends.

Edelgard had hoped by saying Y/N was dangerous, she would be unapproachable, but that had not been the case. She knew Y/N was friendly, but she hadn't known the students would take such an easy liking too her.

Especially not Claude.

She knew Claude had a curious nature, and that saying such a thing about such a happy girl may cause him to jump at her, but she didn't think it would be to this extreme.

Y/N tried on the mask, and soon had a voice similar to that of the Flame Emperor. "Fear me!!" She laughed.

"Y/N, I ask you take this seriously." Edelgard sighed. "I fear what you will be like after spending time with a troublemaker like Claude."

"What about you Milady, thoughts?"

"If even Lorenz is willing to spend time with you, then, who am I to refuse?" Y/N laughed out.

She couldn't stop thinking about if they would still be friends by then. Or, if Claude would find out about she and Edelgard.

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