The Battle of The Eagle and Lion

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The screech of an Eagle greeted the students like the hot desert Sun. As each house took a place on the battlefield, Claude's casual nature didn't seem to fade. By his side was his new, but powerful house partner Y/N to his left. On his right, his trusty Hilda held her axe. Claude was a few steps ahead of the two, but it was obvious he was a threat today.

As the battle began, Claude spoke. "Y/N, I want you by my side."

"What? Claude, I should be out-"

"No, I have a plan, so listen. I have a feeling his princely-ness is heading for me. I want you here when that happens, because while I might not be strong enough, something tells me you might be able to take him out." He smiled at her.

Her eyes went wide. "We've never been on a battle field together."

"I trust you, Y/N. I don't know why, but something about you-" A spear went right for Claude, making him jump out of the way. He had been right, as the blue house leader approached, but did not see Y/N.

"So, it is you, Claude." Dimitri shook his head. "But I'm afraid I have no time for your antics today. The Blue Lions will claim victory."

"No time for my antics? Come on Dimitri, do I really burn you that badly?" He said, hinting at what was about to happen.

The Dark Mage appeared behind Dimitri. "Try this!!" She yelled, as a direct blow of flames hit Dimitri's back. It seemed to be a critical hit, taking him out pretty quickly.

"I fear I cannot fight any longer. I'm sorry, everyone... Please continue onward to victory!" He yelled, getting off the battlefield.

"We did it!! High Five!!" Claude shouted. He grabbed her, lifting her up as he hugged her tightly in place of what was supposed to be a high five. Of course, his joy paused as the clank of an ancient sword, and small boots were heard.

Professor Blythe stood before them, holding her sword outside of it's sheath.

"O-Oh. Hey Teach! What's up?" Claude rubbed the back of his neck, having dropped Y/N.

Needless to say, both students were taken out by Blythe and her sword soon afterward.

Claude and Y/N were a bit off the battlefield behind a tree. It was quiet. He held her weakened form close to him, letting her head rest on his shoulder.

  Although there was a battle going on, neither seemed to pay much mind anymore. They weren't even talking much, just laying in a cool silent part of Gronder field.

Claude looked at her form, a small smile pulling at his lips. "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Why are you holding me like this...?" She asked tiredly.

"It just... feels right I guess. I don't let too many people close to me,,, but you're an exception, and you're hurt,, so I'm just keeping you safe until we can get you to the infirmary." He stated pulling her tighter. "If this was a real battle, I would-"

He realized her breathing had slowed. She was sleeping in his arms. It was so different from how she had looked when she attacked Dimitri. "Huh, am I really that boring to you? Guess it's just as well." He laughed.

"If this were a real battle, with you or Hilda, I wouldn't let either of you fall until I gave it my all to save you. It's because one day, I want you and she, and everyone else in the Golden Deers, to come see Almyra with me. Only when my dream is a reality will I take you, though. Because I want you to see it when it's become as beautiful as Deridriu." He smiled lightly. "Haha, I'm rambling to a sleeping girl, but still. If things keep going the way they are, and I keep having fun with you, maybe you'll join me there..."

He frowned. "But I feel like you're hiding something. I don't want to doubt you, especially with how I've acted with you, but there's something you're not saying. The Princess wanted everyone away from you, but why-"

"The Winner is Blue Lion House!!" Rhea announced.

Claude lifted Y/N. "That's my cue. Hnng, I'm so tired."

Y/N woke up to something warm around her. She felt bandages around her waist, but that wasn't it...

"Claude, why are you in my bed?" She yawned, as she realized the reason she was so comfortable was because she was spooning. And she was the little spoon.

"What? Do you have something against cuddling with your house leader?" He teased.

"No. I have something against cuddling with guys I barely know." She stated.

"Well, then why not push me off?" He asked pulling her closer. "Come on, do it then."

She sighed. "I'm too tired. Maybe later."

"That's what I thought. Who could resist the charm of an adorable deer like me?" He winked.

She turned around, and was promptly pulled into his chest. "Why does my waist hurt so bad?"

"Oh, teach got you pretty good. She wrote you an apology note, but you probably shouldn't read it now. You need rest." He sighed. "Also, if you tell anyone about this, you'll end up with a pretty bad stomach ache. Don't want people to think I'll do this for any pretty lady." He teased again, watching her laugh a bit.

"O-Ow, it hurts to laugh."

"What's funny?"

"You think I'm pretty."

He snorted. "Of course you're pretty. What, did you think seducing girls from other houses in the Sauna was my hobby?"

She sighed. "Well, no, but-"

"Y/N, I have an actual interest in you. And no, I'm not saying that like Sylvain or Lorenz would. You interest me." He stated.

"Now, is that like a Manuela interest, or a Hanneman interest?" She joked.

They spent the rest of that evening joking, and enjoying cookies Mercedes had made for Y/N since she had to miss the feast due to her injuries.

Claude and Y/N got closer, as Y/N seemed to drift further from Edelgard.

"Are you sure about this Hubert? I could never ask something like this of you."

"If she says yes, it means Y/N will be that much closer to me, as well as you. She has promised her life to you as I have, so there is no conflict in our goals in that regard."

"If that is the case, then follow your heart Hubert. If it leads you to Y/N, I'm sure you two will be happy."

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