Never Let Her Go

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Claude held a firm grip on her wrist. "Now, drop the bow." He said. She could feel his smirk in his words.

She did as he said, hearing the heavy bow hit the floor. Claude picked it up, letting go of her wrist and placing the bow back where she had gotten it from. "I thought you were asleep." She laughed nervously.

"And I thought you had more wit than this. You do realize that no amount of my talking could have saved you had Alliance soldiers been the ones to find you, right? The state of the Alliance is too fragile for me to save you right now." He sighed, taking her wrist again and taking her up the stairs.

"I know you're upset with me. I made a decision without even asking you. I rushed it, and now all you can think about is who might be hurt."

"You made a threat against me. Even if not to my face, you said you could hurt me to someone who wants to defend me."

"It was to keep them away."

"Keep them from what?"

"Deridriu. Since that threat, Glouscester territory is as far as the Imperial forces have gone, despite Hubert being their leading general. And with the Kingdom Army's position, it is said that soon they will begin a march to a Midpoint between us, the Monastery, and the Imperial Forces."

"We're going to fight at Gronder Field?" She guessed. "And you're?"

"I'm going. It's up to you what you want to do. I hope to minimize casualties and simply use the battle to take back some lost land for the Alliance, and hopefully begin to repair order." Claude said.

"I won't fight." She said. Her brain seemed to be bursting with ideas. The only thing tying her to Hubert was her daughter, who was in the territory. But, with a battle on this big a scale, there was a good chance that she could get her daughter back without proving her loyalty still remained with the empire. "I'll take Sherbet instead."

"What? What do you mean?" He asked. "You can't mean-"

"I'm going to go to imperial territory using one of your Wyverns. I'll take Sherbet from our home and bring her back here. Then, I won't need worry about her anymore."

"This is dangerous. I can't allow you to go alone." He said. "And I won't be able to spare any of my troops to go with you." He looked at her, his mind teeming as he rubbed his chin. Could she be serious?

"When is this battle taking place?" She asked. "And can you get in contact with Seteth or Flayn?"

"I hope you understand that I object to this plan completely." Seteth lamented. "If it were not for the fact that Claude himself asked for this, I would never take you here."

"Don't worry, Seteth. None of this can ever be traced back to you." (Y/N) said, holding on as Seteth's Wyvern went in for a landing on Rhodos Coast. "From what I know, there's a Holy Weapon here. The difference being, it can be used by anyone."

"That's correct." Seteth opened up something in the ground. He grabbed out a Spear from the ground. It seemed to shine blue. "This is the Spear of Assal. It was the weapon of choice of Saint Cichol. Treat it well."

"Claude told you about part two of this plan, right?"

"There's a part two?" Seteth asked, panicked.

"Yup! You're taking me to my house to kidnap my daughter." She said. "C'mon now, we better go!"

Seteth normally would have said no, but he knew Hubert from training him. He had to say yes, as he also knew (Y/N). He knew once her mind was set, she was an unstoppable force. She would do this with or without him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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