The Child of House Vestra

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Y/N stood up. Hubert had received word that their child had died, and had come home. The tears on Y/N's face were genuine. Even though she had only had Amara a few days, it was like losing everything now that she was gone. Even though she could see her whenever she was willing to take the trip, as the war went on, that trip could become harder to take.

Hubert stepped in. "Y/N... I am so sorry. I shall not leave your side, until you have mourned."

"Hubert." She wiped her face. "I thought you were committed to Edelgard? To the war?"

He sat next to her, wiping her tears with his handkerchief. "Did I not say I was also committed to you? Edelgard has given me permission to stay here, until I must share the front lines with her once more. The war effort moves slowly, but with the coup of the kingdom-"

"There's a coup in the kingdom?"

"Indeed. Both Dedue and Dimitri have been taken, and are to be sentenced." He explained, having wrapped his arms around her.

"So, a victory allowed you to come home?"

"Indeed. But, I assure you, loss or victory, I would have been home to you at the first interval." He leaned back on the couch, pulling her into his chest and playing with her hair. He kissed her forehead. "I... love you."

Something was never right with Hubert. Sure, they were a normal couple. They cuddled, kissed, and did what have you, but something was always so- wrong about it.

Maybe it was that the father of her child and her child lived in another country. Maybe it was that no matter how comfortable he got, Hubert would stiffen at any noise. Was he scared from the war? Was Y/N being there not enough to comfort him?

Soon, it became clear that Y/N was pregnant again. At the same time, however, Hubert was called to the front lines. Y/N was unable to travel to Deridriu during this time due to the amount of stress laid on all three Kingdoms by the sentencing of Dimitri and Dedue.

My dearest, Y/N,
I write this to you, wishing you well as your second child will soon be born. I also send my blessings for your wedding, which has been announced to be two years from your new child's birthday.
I understand that you have not been able to visit, so I wish to tell you that Amara is a little angel, just like her father. A particular example would be just recently, when she crawled out of her crib and scared the life out of Marianne. Hilda and I found this hilarious, and hope that one day you will get to see her repeat this lovely trick.
The Alliance is not in such good help, due to-

Anyway, I again hope this letter reaches you in good help, and do hope you write back in haste.

Claude Von Riegan.

Many letters of the sort had been written and sent by messenger in and out of House (L/N) and House Riegan. Of course now, in the month of her second child's birth, Y/N could not reply.

This was because Hubert was by her side constantly. He watched over her like a hawk, seemingly determined to make sure the child was in good health.

And, the baby was.

Sherbet Von Vestra was born just before midnight, pale and beautiful. Y/N held her, feeling more complete than she had in a long time.

She had a plump face, and even some rosy cheeks. She smiled and giggled, especially when held by her father.

Hubert was allowed two immediate months off the front lines to spend time with his girls. He cooked and cleaned while Y/N took care of the baby.

Things were starting to become... happy this way.

She stopped replying to Claude, spending more time on the couch with Hubert, and even teaching him how to dance. She did his hair and fixed him a new robe for the front lines.

She was, by all definitions, becoming the perfect Fiancé.

Hubert was actually home a lot longer than expected, mainly because he wanted to be, and Edelgard felt he deserved it. He was there when little Helena took her first steps. Little baby Sherbet even said her first word, Dada, to him.

Petra, Lindhart, and the others spend quite a bit of time with little Sherbet and Y/N. Ferdinand calls himself 'Uncle Aegir' and has given the little one many gifts. Petra also gives many gifts from Brigid.

Lindhart is called by Hubert whenever the baby sneezes and Y/N is out getting groceries. He just sighs at this point and checks out the baby, reassuring Hubert until Y/N gets home.

Edelgard holds Sherbet whenever she comes around. She will even sing to her and play little games while Y/N and Hubert prepare fabulous dinners for the woman they serve.

Caspar reads the little one stories of excellent warriors, and victories in war. In contrast, Bernadetta sings little lullabies and tells fairy tails of Princes and Princesses.

Even when Hubert would go away for a while, Y/N had no lack of help. Each member of the Imperial army seemed to be committed to little Sherbet, even if she and her mother bore no crest.

She looked to a small pile of letters sitting in her closet, all of them from Claude.

"Y/N!! Hey!! Let's go pick a suit for Hubert for your wedding." Bernadetta said from the doorway. "I'm actually going out today, so I'd like to be home before dark."

Y/N smiled.

"Y/N, if you do not get the hurry, the dress shop will have the closing." Petra Said. "We must have speed."

"Right, I'm coming!!" She said, before shutting the closet that held the letters.

That chapter was over now. Goodbye, Claude Von Riegan. It was fun.

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