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A warmth was wrapped around her like a memory. Pressed against her back, along with an arm around her waist. She could feel the bandages, sure. But everything around her was just so... warm. As she began to open her eyes, and even move a bit, a face snuggled into the back of her neck.

"I knew one day I would come for you. Now finally, I have you." He whispered, holding her somehow even tighter. He loved her, truly and deeply. More than anything else in the world.

Well, other than Amara, who was no doubt having one of her signature tea times with Marianne and Hilda.

"C-Claude?" She whimpered out, before finally the pain settled in. It burned, and her eyes began to water.

He wiped her eyes with his hand. "Shhh, shhh. You need to rest. You got hit with a holy weapon, so it was harder for Marianne to heal. Especially such a deep cut."

"Ferdie... Lorenz..." She panicked, looking around. Claude had to hold her down as she began moving.

"They didn't make it." He sighed. "But if Lorenz hadn't done what he had, you wouldn't be alive. Dimitri must have thought you were gone."

"How did you..."

"Lorenz sent me an express messenger just before he went out. He told me about the Kingdom Army, and that you were Foxxen. Marianne, Hilda, And I went to go find you all, but we were too late..." He trailed. He held Y/N as he felt her begin sniffing.

"It's going to be okay." Claude said. "Just breathe. Tell me when you get hungry, or if you need to be alone. If you wanna see Amara, I can bring her too." He said trying to comfort her. "Just please, rest, and... be okay."

She held his hands, calming down quite a bit. "I just... want to be here with you..."

He breathed in, a smirk finding its way into his face. "Good, because I wouldn't have been too happy to leave."

He sat her up, even though she was getting better, he didn't wanna risk it. "Claude, it's been a few days, I can sit up on my own. I could probably walk and get food myself." Y/N said, crossing her arms.

"I'm allowed to wait on you, you know. I'm your adorable little deer." He winked, smiling as he got the tray of food that his staff had prepared. "Besides, you'll get to walk plenty when you go to tea with Amara."

"That's today? How is it already Friday?" She asked taking a bite. "Tell her it's Thursday. Mom is still-"

"So you admit you're tired?" He smiled. "It is Thursday, but I thought you may actually admit your weakness if you knew our little gift was involved." He winked.

"You would use Amara as a weapon against me? I'm almost offended." She teased, going to pick up a fork to eat. Claude had other plans in mind, and picked up the fork and a bit of egg.

"Not as offended as I was when you married Hubert and stopped visiting." He said, putting the egg in front of her mouth. "Now, say ah~"

She didn't have a comeback for that. She sighed. "Ah~" She opened her mouth, closing it as he placed the fork inside her mouth and taking the egg. "I just wish you wouldn't baby me."

He inhaled, before sighing himself. "When we- When I found you, you were almost dead. The entire way back here I checked your pulse over and over, no matter how many times Marianne told me you were going to live. I just-I love you." He blurted. "I mean, in a friendly way... yeah, that." He covered. Smooth Claude.

She blushed, and took the fork from him. "Maybe I should visit Amara today. Seeing my daughter might help me."

"Heh, yeah." He pulled up the covers on his side of the bed turning away from her. "Just tell me when."

She finished up and laid back to back with him, they stayed silent for a few moments. Claude finally spoke. "Do you hate me?"

"Hate you? Why would I hate you?"

"You and Hubert would be perfect if it weren't for me and Amara. Plus, Amara was my fault."

"Hubert is no where near perfect, and Amara was a joint effort." She stated. "There's nothing I can really blame you for."

"Don't you love Hubert?" He asked, moving around a bit.

"I mean, yeah sure, but... how am I supposed to love someone that's never around. Plus, he wants another kid, which would leave me trapped inside for at least another year. He doesn't even,,, get it. He just wants to come home, post war, to a happy loving family."

"... You want to be outside the house? Even if you're fighting?"

"Yes! Yes! I just like being out of the house. I love Sherbet, but I can't stand being in that house just being visited all the time. Sure, I get to take Sherbet to shows and what have you, but I can't remember the last time I got to be just... me." She sighed. "That's selfish, I know. But I'm the only one home most of the time. Heck, the closest thing she had to a father was Linhardt or..." She trailed. "Ferdinand..."

He turned around, sitting up. "Can you walk?" He asked. "I have something I'd like you to see."

"...Can you help me?" She asked, trying to get out of bed. He simply smiled, getting up to go to her side of the bed and offer a hand.

"Claude, this is a terrible idea." She said, limping while holding her daughter's hand and having Claude's arm wrapped around her waist to support her.

Little Amara ran up to the Wyvern. It seemed to enjoy her, showing off its glowing white scales. "Vanilla!!" Amara said happily.

"She named it, not me." Claude stated, smiling as he helped Y/N sit down on the Wyvern. He placed Amara down in front of her, and then held the reins as to put his arms around his two girls.

"Hold on to Amara, Y/N. This should be a pretty smooth ride, though." He said. The Wyvern started at Claude's command, and soon they were above the mansion.

Y/N remembered a time when she had done something similar with Hubert. She looked around, holding Amara who liked to wave to people.

"This is home. We're in Deridriu, where we had said we'd be. Come and go from the mansion as you like, or even go back to Hubert. But whatever you choose, just know that Amara and I,

We'll always be here when you come back home."

Golden Eagle (Claude x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now