Afraid to Fly

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Hubert had met Y/N on Edelgard's 11th birthday. She was given as a gift to Edelgard. Her own personal servant, but not of House Vestra. Instead, a girl, as Edelgard had once spoken she secretly wanted.

Edelgard had taken to her immediately, and Hubert had seen her as competition. He worked double time, but she seemed to work that way naturally. Soon, Edelgard was not the only one Hubert had his heart set on.

She seemed completely opposite him. She was always smiling, always able to make Edelgard laugh. She was a good cook. Eventually they worked it out so she made food, and Hubert delivered it.

There's a memory Hubert has. He was about 15, and had shared with Y/N that he had a fear of heights. In the dead of night, she woke him up and ran him to the Pegasus stables. He warned her that she may get in trouble, but she got up on a Pegasus. He jumped on behind her, hoping to force her off, but instead the Pegasus took off with both of them on it.

He grabbed her waist, terrified and yelled. She smiled and laughed, holding to the reins. "Hubert. Look up, we're flying." She laughed.

He held tightly to her waist, but still looked up over her shoulder. He was above the castle. He could see Lady Edelgard's room, even people out and about in the late night.

For a moment, he wasn't afraid of falling. He just saw the world, far below him, and smiled. Then, Y/N made the pegasus take a deep dive down to the stables. He yelled out, and Y/N laughed again.

"Y/N, that's not funny." He said, getting off the pegasus.

"I know, I know, but like you said there's guards about. We better be careful if you don't wanna get caught." She winked. "C'mon Hubert, let's hurry in. Or maybe you want a speech from your father?" She cleared her throat and took on a deep voice. "Son, as a member of House Vestra, you should focus on protecting Lady Edelgard with your life. You have no time for pegasus games."

Hubert gave a true laugh, holding his stomach as Y/N imitated his strict father. He joined in. "You must focus on your studies. In order to do so, proper sleep is required. Staying up with servants in the dead of night is no way to behave."

They both laughed, falling to the ground. The two teens paused, laying on their sides and looking each other in the eye.

That was the moment. The moment Hubert realized he wanted to dedicate his life to two women. Both Y/N and Edelgard.

But, were he forced to give more attention to one,

Y/N had made him not Afraid to Fly.

"Hubert, it's the middle of the night." Y/N said. It had been a month since the ball, and the two had been spending more and more time together.

"Y/N, there were many times you dragged me out in the middle of the night. It is only fair that I return the favor." He stated. "Now, please get on the pegasus."

She looked at the horse and obliged, getting on with Hubert getting on behind her and taking the reins. "Are you sure you'll be okay with that?" Y/N asked, knowing heights usually made him uneasy.

He sighed. "I'll be fine. Do you truly believe I have not changed since we were children?" He chuckled. He put his arms around her as he held the reins.

"Surely not. Just a bit of concern for you is all." She stated. He made the pegasus begin to fly, lifting them off the ground. The flew over the Monastery.

"I blame you for this. Ever since we were children, and you took me on that ride, I've wanted to get on a Pegasus again." He stated. "So, I began working on flying with Seteth. After hours, I would clean stables, and in exchange, he would give me private flying lessons to hopefully get over my fear of heights. All in the hopes that one day, I could do to you what you had done to me."

She cocked a brow. "And what's that- aH HUBERT NO!!" She yelled, turning around a bit and hugging on to him as he brought them close to the lake at a fast drop. He brought them back up as the Pegasus's hooves scraped the water and tiny droplets hit them both.

"Y-You flew, Hubert. You've really overcome your fear." She sputtered out, still holding tight to him.

"It's not that I'm not scared, but I choose to ignore it. It makes everything else... easier. Letting go of my fear and hesitation- It's what brought me to tell Edelgard about my interest in you." He stated. "I promise, as long as I am by your side, you will feel as I do when I indulge in a lofty high up view."

She smiled. "I'd really like that, Hubert."

"Soon, you will bear my name. Y/N von Vestra. We both grew up in the service of Lady Edelgard, and now with her blessing, we will also get to live in the service of each other." He gave a small smile. "I have loved you for so many years. I hope that soon, you will get to know the feeling just as passionately as I do."

She smiled at him. "Given the chance, I'd marry you tomorrow. But, soon Hubert. Soon, I hope I will feel the same as you do."

This was truly what Y/N hoped.

Because in earnest, her heart still belonged fully to Claude.

But, Y/N was Afraid to Fly away with Claude.

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