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Dawn broke across the mountainous sky

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Dawn broke across the mountainous sky. The slightest bit of sunlight crept through my window pane, awakening me from my slumber. The morning was cool but one could rely on the sun to warm their skin as it shined so radiantly. Dew dripped down the glass, giving the room a sparkly glow. The Shire seemed to bring beauty every morning.

As I was getting dressed, I thought of the simple day coming forth, which included simple chores and errands I committed to day in and day out. I pulled on a pale green blouse with leaves embroidering the chest with cuffed sleeves at the end. I finished off the outfit with khaki pants and some old brown boots. My days consisted of going to the market to purchase food and taking care of my horse at the stables. I threw my dirty blonde hair up in a long braid and exited the house.

While making my way through town, I greeted the same people I came across every morning. Nothing ever seemed to change. The stable keeper greeted me at the doorway with his crooked smile and a stench of ale. "Good mornin' Miss Adina," he belched.

"Good morning Sir, is Mila ready?" I asked.

"Yes, she is, just finishing up with her grooming. You can meet Ryker outback," he said, departing from the stable. I walked back behind the stable to find the most beautiful steed with the shiniest Palomino coat in the entire stable.

"You always do a fantastic job, Ryker. She catches everyone's eye when we pass through towns," I smiled while stroking her strong neck.

"I believe it's not just the horse that catches people's eyes," Ryker responded with a flirtatious smirk. I continued to saddle up Mila and adjusted her girth.

"Flattering, but I'm not interested. We have a very busy day today don't we girl?" I lied while stroking Mila's muzzle. I shoved my foot in the stirrup and swung my leg over her back. Adjusting myself to a comfortable position, I bid the defeated Ryker farewell and trotted off.

We rode all the way back home, trying to avoid the same people that I spoke to daily. I pulled over into the front of my yard and tied Mila to a low hanging branch on our tree. This is where Mila and I spent our afternoons; we never needed anyone else.

"I don't know what to do, Mila. I mean sure, he's a charming man, but he's just too simple. Nothing happens to a stable boy. I need someone that can add a little excitement throughout the day," I explained to my inattentive horse. "You have no idea what I'm saying do you?" I looked at Mila, studying the movements of her eyes shifting from fly to fly. I sighed, and let my body weight sink heavier onto the trunk, "I guess I always thought my parents would actually come back from their adventures to take me on a new one."

I dozed off that afternoon, only to be awakened by a repetitive banging. I frantically opened my eyes and looked around. The atmosphere was now dark other than a pale purple and pink glow, dusk had entered the sky. I watched a shadow standing in front of my neighbor's door. The shadow banged on the door repeatedly until it was let in. That was Mister Baggins' home. My parents knew him well but never spoke of him often. All I knew was that they had stories to tell.

Moments later, another shadow appeared and followed the same actions as the first, as if they were in sync. I watched this action occur several more times. I eventually thought I was going crazy. I decided that it was probably a good idea to put Mila away in her enclosure and go inside. Many noises came from Mister Baggins' house that night...laughing, bickering, and even singing. It sounded more lively. It sounded...different.

𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐈𝐂 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 // 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘪 𝘥𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now