~ seven ~

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A feeling of peace and hope washed over me as I stared out into the graceful land

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A feeling of peace and hope washed over me as I stared out into the graceful land. I longed for a bed rather than a hard, cold surface to rest my aching body. The sight of the sacred city left me with a warm and comforting sensation. I let out a sigh of gratitude and closed my eyes. I felt the warmth on my face.

The dwarves did not seem as pleased. They almost looked disappointed. Right then I recalled the story of the dwarves' past and how the elves abandoned them. Thorin turned back quickly to face Gandalf. "This was your plan all along! To seek refuge with our enemy!" Thorin muttered angrily.

"At this point, the only enemy you should mind are the ones chasing you," Gandalf answered calmly.

"They will try to stop us. They will not give our quest their blessing."

"They won't, but we have questions that need to be answered. Why don't you let me handle the discussion, Thorin." We all stood awkwardly as the bickering faded out. Gandalf nodded his head to Bofur, who continued the hike forward. We followed the rocky, dirt path to the grand city of Rivendell. The stories did not disappoint. It was just as I pictured.

"Overwhelmed yet?" Bilbo said approaching me from behind my right shoulder.

"Nope. You?"

"Absolutely," He scoffed a smile of relief but I could tell he was nervous for what came next beyond this sanctuary.

"Hey now, you're alright. There's nothing the great Bilbo Baggins can't handle," I teased.

"Speak for yourself."

"Ah, you see, I'm still a novice. You can ask Kili, he's right there with me," I said in a slightly louder tone of voice to add a little liveliness to the group. Kili slowly turned his head at the mention of his name. He cocked an eyebrow and began to laugh. I wasn't sure if it was the light within Rivendell, but his smile shone even brighter. His eyes hypnotized me with their golden honey glow.

"Is that so, lass?" he played along. "Well then I suppose Bilbo must show us a thing or two."

Bilbo laughed and shook his head with wide eyes. The three of us continued to tease and joke, along with Fili, Balin, and Bofur adding witty comments here and there. I learned so many small yet important details about the men I was traveling with. I felt like I knew and understood them all better after the collection of stories being shared. It was the purest joy we had all felt from the moment we began this journey. Suddenly the world felt lighter. The burden of the journey had been lifted from our shoulders momentarily as we laughed until we gasped for air.

We continued along the path in silence, taking the time to admire the beauty that stood before us. The sun created a perfect golden glow as it beamed through the trees and reflected off the splashing water. The land was almost sparkling while the sun shone through the dewy air.

After a short walk, we reached the gates of the elvish kingdom. I could feel the mist from the nearby waterfall coating my face with a cool, moist feeling. I couldn't imagine anything better to freshen my soul. The land was full of peace, the kind of peace that I only felt at home.


It was so far away. A pit in my stomach began to form. Was this what it was like to feel homesick?

"This view couldn't get much better," said Bilbo, who was staring ahead into the soft sunlight. I looked to Bilbo and smiled.


I slowly scanned my surroundings. I reminded myself that the dwarves didn't have a home and that's was why I was there. To help them find their home. Suddenly, that pit in my stomach faded. I smiled to myself and watched the birds and breeze lightly shake the trees. My home was wherever our path was taking us.

We were greeted by an elf. He wore a long scarlet cape that draped over a long, midnight blue cloak. Long and silky brown hair fell onto his shoulders.

"Welcome Gandalf," he said proudly. "I had heard you were traveling through the valley."

Gandalf smiled and nodded his head, asking, "Where is Lord Elrond? I must speak with him."

"Lord Elrond is not here at the moment."

"Well, where is he?" As if on cue, the sound of the elvish horns rang through the hills. In the distance, hooves clicked on the brick of the path. The dwarves began to shout and quickly drew their weapons. I blindly followed their actions, not knowing what was approaching us. A pack of horses turned a corner as they enter through the gate and began to gallop around us. They circled and herded us into a tight clump. Their riders were indeed elves, which still seemed unsettling for the dwarves. Thorin locked eyes with the rider leading the group. He returned the stare.

"Elrond, my old friend! Where have you been?" Gandalf asked eagerly.

"We've been hunting a pack of orcs that came up from the south. Something or someone has brought them near," the elf answered.

"Well, that may have been us." Gandalf stepped aside to present the dwarves behind him. A moment of silence fell as Elrond studied the group of individuals. Thorin stepped forward.

"Thorin, son of Thrain," Elrond spoke.

"I believe we have not met."

"You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain."

"Indeed, but I believe I've heard no mention of you." Silence fell once again. Elrond began to speak in a slur of elvish. The dwarves became uneasy.

"What is he sayin'?!" A dwarf name Gloin asked shortly. "Does he offer us insult?!"

"Quiet master Gloin! He's offering you food!" Gandalf snapped. Gloin's expression changed very quickly, and his furrowed brow began to soften.

"Well, in that case, lead on" Gloin finished and sheathed his sword. The group shuffled through the gates to enter the city of Rivendell.

They lead me to my chamber where I found a fresh pile of silken clothes. I bathed myself in the crystal waters. I rubbed the blood and dirt off my rough skin, which began to soften. I massaged and soaked my hair. It fell on my shoulders, feeling smooth and clean. I closed my eyes and leaned back into the water. I sat there for a moment. It was the first time I had felt clean, calm, and completely safe.

𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐈𝐂 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 // 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘪 𝘥𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now