~ twenty nine ~

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The entire company had been hunched over for days, digging through the endless mountains of gold

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The entire company had been hunched over for days, digging through the endless mountains of gold... looking for the lost Arkenstone. Thorin had not let anyone rest since we arrived. Thorin's voice boomed over us. "Any sign of it?!"

"Nothing here!"


"Keep searching!" Thorin commanded.

I plopped my body down onto an untouched pile, aimlessly scooping away coins and jewels. I stretched out my back, which was terribly stiff from the long hours. Thankfully, my  burns had mostly healed thanks to Oin's remedies, but they were still tender in some places.

Thorin noticed I had stopped. "Why do you cease your searchings?" He bellowed.

I looked up at him, not even bothering to turn my head. "Just resting for a moment, my lord," I sighed.

"Keep searching! No one rests until it is found! The jewel is in these halls...find it!"

"You heard him, keep looking!" Dwalin order in obedience to his king.

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head at Dwalin's words, disgusted by how all the dwarves were completely okay with being his slaves. Even Kili had fallen under Thorin's spell as he desperately looked for the king's jewel. I sighed and stood to keep searching, but out of the corner of my eye, I found Bilbo sneaking off to a corner. He was up to something.

"He couldn't have..?" I thought to myself. I quietly followed after him. He turned a corner and sat on a boulder. I pressed myself to the neighboring wall, trying to stay out of sight.

He reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out what had to be the Arkenstone. The jewel glistened a blue and silvery light. Bilbo cupped his hands around the sacred stone as its appearance beamed in his eyes. The light danced in his irises. He almost looked....entranced?

A loud groan boomed out from the throne room. Bilbo jumped and shoved the stone back in his vest. While still remaining hidden, I shuffled my way back to the walkway that stood over the king's throne.

Thorin shook his head. "It is here in these halls.... I know it."

Dwalin's eyes softened, trying to calm him. "We have searched and searched."

"Well not well enough!"

"Thorin, we all would see the stone returned."

"And yet it's still not found!" He pounded his fist on the armrest of the throne.

Balin had now approached behind Dwalin. "Do you doubt the loyalty of anyone here?" He had a hurt expression on his face. "The Arkenstone is the birthright of our people."

I watched the poor dwarves plead to their sickened master with a heavy heart. They were being accused for something that they hadn't done, but I feared that nothing good would come out of it if the stone was returned.

"It is the King's jewel. Am I not the King?!" Thorin's anger rose. "Know this, if anyone should find it and withhold it from me, I will be avenged."

With that statement, Dwalin and Balin turned from their king. Their heads hung and their feet dragged. I made my way down the stairs to join the company.

"What is coming over him?" I asked, stopping Balin before he could walk past me.

"Why is he acting this way?" Bilbo added as he appeared behind me.

Balin's heartbroken eyes met ours. "Dragon sickness," he blatantly stated. "I've seen it before. That look... that terrible need. It is a fierce and jealous love. It sent his grandfather mad."

Bilbo folded his arms over his chest. "Balin, if-if Thorin had the Arkenstone. Well, if-if it was found... would it help?" He stuttered.

"That stone crowns all," Balin sighed. "It's the summit of this great wealth, bestowing power upon he who bears it. But stay his madness? No, lad. I fear it would make him worse. Perhaps it is best it remains lost."

"Will he ever be the same?" I asked.

"That, my dear, is up to him. He has to accept the flaws within himself."

I nodded in understanding, but still troubled by the seemingly hopeless situation.

I sighed and made my way over to Kili. "I worry for him."

Kili looked at me. I could tell he was also very concerned about his uncle. "The sickness of the treasure is just too great, no matter how many times he would tell himself that he was not his grandfather."

Suddenly, our conversation was interrupted when Dwalin pushed his way through the company to his king. "Thorin, the survivors from Lake-town, they're streaming into Dale. There's hundreds of them," he said through pants.

Thorin's face hardened to a cold glare. "Call everyone to the gate!" He commanded. "To the gate. Now!"

The company quickly filed after Dwalin and Thorin to the gate. Thorin pointed at the rubble caused by Smaug. "I want this Fortress made safe by sun-up. This Mountain was hard-won, I will not see it taken again."

Kili shoved his way from the back of the company. "The people of Lake-town have nothing. They came to us in need. They have lost everything."

I followed Kili. "You gave them a promise, and that promise shall be fulfilled!"

Thorin gave us a cold look. "Do not tell me what they have lost! I know well enough of their hardship. Those who've lived through dragon fire should rejoice! They have much to be grateful for." His vision shifted back to the people of lake town. "More stone! Bring more stone to the gate!" He shouted as his voice became more and more uneasy. Anxiety enveloped his eyes.

I did not move a muscle. I refused to let myself give into the motion of Thorin breaking his promise. I found a wall and propped myself up with folded arms, watching the dwarves slave away. The sight of Kili and his brother obediently following the commands of their uncle broke my heart. They didn't understand, they only understood the authority of Thorin.

Soon enough Thorin noticed my lack of obedience. He stomped over to me. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Saving my dignity. I'm not going back on my word."

Thorin was stunned by my words. "Once again, I have to bring up the fact that you signed a contract to me!"

I quickly rose to him, our faces inches from each other. "I will not deliberately let these people suffer!" I spat with clenched teeth. My brows furrowed in anger. "I agreed to fight with you against the enemy." I pointed to the stone wall. "They are not the enemy!"

"They are trying to steal from me...therefore they are the enemy!"

I shook my head and began to storm away. I felt the right grip of Thorin's hand on my wrist. I looked back at him with a dead stare. "The only enemy you should fear the most....is the one growing inside of you." There was no talking sense into him. He was gone. I tore myself from his grasp and continued my way away from the corrupt shell of a man that was Thorin Oakenshield.

𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐈𝐂 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 // 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘪 𝘥𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now