~ fifteen ~

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"So you mean that this house

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"So you mean that this house... ," I stuttered. "... belongs to that thing?"

"Yes, Adina," Gandalf began. "His name is Beorn. He is a skin changer. One of his common forms is a huge black bear, otherwise, he is typically a strong man." Gandalf exhaled a deep sigh. "As a man, he may be reasoned with. But I will warn you, he is not fond of dwarves."

We heard a loud rustling coming from outside the sturdy, wooden doors. Slowly the sounds began to fade into the distance.

"He's leaving," Ori announced.

"Step away from there!" Dori exclaimed while pulling Ori from the door. "None of this is natural. You have no idea what kind of dark spell that creature could be under."

"Don't be a fool, he's under no such enchantment other than his own," Gandalf corrected. "Now rest, all of you, and prepare for the journey of tomorrow."

I found an old oak that stood before a spot of golden sunlight that was bestowed from the evening sun. I slowly slid myself down the trunk and onto the ground. I sprawled my fingers into the soft dirt and itchy grass. I extended my legs and stretched out my whole body. As I took a deep breath, I leaned my head back into the bark. My leg throbbed with each inhale. After several moments, I shifted my attention to the gash that covered the surface of my left thigh. I carefully began to unwind the countless bandages that covered the wound. I winced with each strip I peeled off. The dried blood did not make this process very easy. It felt as if I were peeling off layers of skin.

"Try this." I heard a voice say from above. I looked up to find Kili's silhouette with the sun beaming behind him. A shy smile stretched across the shadow, making the pain temporarily fade away. He lowered a tan, ceramic bowl down to me. It was full of water and herbs stirred in, with a cloth floating at the top.

"Thank you," I sighed. I reached down into the cool water to grab the rag. I clenched my fist to wring out the excess water. I brought the rag down to my leg and slowly rubbed the outside of the wound. Old blood soaked through my pants and trickled down my leg. With several careful brushes, I was able to wipe most of the blood away.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the only problem that needed to be solved. The top of my left leg had swelled up to the point that it was much bigger than the right. A blue and purple coloration surrounded the gash, showing that it was undoubtedly infected.

"It's only going to get worse," I mumbled.

"You don't know that," he protested. He carefully lowered himself down next to me. He pulled his knees up to his chest, and propped his arms on top of them. "You can't give up. I know we are still far off, but it will all be worth it in the end. We need your bravery and wit through the remainder of this journey. The company would've never come this far without you...and you know it."

I sighed and shook my head. "I don't know Kili. Being wounded makes me unreliable. I would only hold us and let them down. I just physically can't-," I paused. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back again. I took one more breath of frustration then looked to Kili. My eyes met with his. They were soft and relaxed, but you could still see worry deep within. They glowed with the sun. "I can't... fight."

"Adina." He took my hands and squeezed them. I looked back to him. I felt the rough skin on his hands brush across mine. "You are capable of anything. You have the heart and soul of a fighter. Not only have you saved my life, you have saved this quest." He motioned to my leg. "All this is, is a set back. A temporary delay, nothing more. You amaze me every day. Just when I think I may have you figured out, you surprise me with your courage and desire to fight for what you care for." He paused and looked as he was getting choked up on his words. "That is the Adina I fell in love with."

My heart stopped. A storm of emotions flooded over me. My mind and heart began to race, trying to figure out how to respond. Before I knew it, Kili leaned closer to me. He slowly brought his hand up to my face. He took two fingers to lightly brush a strand of hair that hung down from my face. From there, he moved his hand down to cup my cheek.

"I'm in love with you" he repeated in a whisper. Our eyes locked in a way they never had before. It was a look where it seemed that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't turn my attention away.

He began to lean closer to me. I met him halfway until our foreheads were pressed together and our noses touched. Then, he slowly tilted his head. I tilted mine the other way with our lips hovering over each other. Finally, with one last effortless gesture he pressed his lips to mine very softly. It only lasted a few moments before he pulled away.

"And I love you," I exhaled.

I leaned forward again, but this time, more passionately. I held his face in both of my hands and kissed him. One of his hands easily wrapped around my waist to pull me closer while the other held my hand to his face to kiss me back. After several seconds, I released. I drew myself back to my resting position on the tree, but my eyes never left him. My cheeks turned hot and a small smirk stretched across my face. He laughed while a huge, cheeky smile stretched over his face. He shook his head as if he were in disbelief.

"What is it?" I asked, beginning to laugh myself. His eyes shifted back to me.

"Like I said, you're incredible. Don't underestimate yourself ever again. You have too many qualities to admire." He stood from his spot below the tree. "We best get some sleep."

He dangled his hand down in front of me.

"I suppose," I sighed. I grasped his hand and lifted myself to him. He wrapped his huge arms around me while my forearms rested on his strong shoulders. I interlinked my fingers behind his neck. He looked up into the trees where the very last ray of sun ran through the leaves and shone on his face. My eyes followed his gaze. "Gorgeous, isn't it?"

He lowered his head back down to look at me with a smile.

"Yes, my love, but nothing compares to the beauty that I'm holding in my arms." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and squeezed me tight to his chest. "Now, come on."

He moved his arm to wrap around my shoulder so he could stabilize me as we walked back to the others. "We have a long day ahead tomorrow."

He carefully helped me limp back to the camp and found a decent spot for us to rest. He let me down to the ground. I hopped on one foot to cautiously lay down my bum leg. I leaned back until I was resting on the hay that was strewn across the stone floor. Kili sat down after I settled for a moment and laid himself next to me. He propped his head onto his bag and I shifted over to rest my head on his shoulder. He held me close. After I was comfortable I began to attempt to fall asleep but I was distracted, but it wasn't because of my leg. I believe it was the fact that I couldn't stop smiling.

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