no distractions

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-"bellamyyyy." you skipped towards the boy.

-"(y/n)," he greeted with a smirk.

you wanted to learn how to defend yourself, after the threat with jasper, you didn't want to be unable to protect yourself.

-"can you pleeease teach me how to fight." you begged the tall boy.

he sighed and looked around.

you pleaded him with puppy dog eyes.

-"why not." he chuckled and rolled his eyes.

you both left the camp and went into the woods, where there was enough space.

bellamy put his gun down, along with his shirt.

you doing the same, leaving you in your sports bra and pants.

bellamy smirked and got you into a fighting stance.

-"now, you want your hands up here," he ordered moving them towards you face, "that way you can block you're beautiful face."

he chuckled once he saw the blush creep onto your face.

you tried to ignore it.

he put his hands out.

-"have a go." he suggested.

you punched his hand.

-"not bad," he said.

-"but don't swing you hands back, it gives the opponent a chance to strike, it also isn't as powerful as a straight shot." he said.

he put his hands up.

-"try again."

you punched his hand, the way he told you to do it.

-"better, again."

you kept going.

-"okay," bellamy stopped.

-"let's do the real thing."

you nodded.

you both were in a fighting stance, circling around.

-"hit me." bellamy smirked, holding his arms up.

you smirked, coming forward.

you went to hit but he dodged.

you tried to kick his side but he caught your leg and wrapped it around his waist.

pressing your chests together.

you both stared into each others eyes.

you smirked and punched him in the stomach, making him let go of your leg and stumble back.

you stepped away.

-"no distractions, blake." your smirk never leaving your face.

he spat at the floor and went back into his fighting stance.

he pounced at you like a lion, taking you by surprise.

you were on the floor, him hovering over you.

he held your hands above your head.

you swung your legs around his waist making you on top.

you were now straddling his waist while holding his hands over his head.

he leaned up and kissed you.

in a blink of an eye, he took his place on top and tore his lips away from yours.

-"no distractions, (y/l/n)." he smirked.

-"i'd rather the distractions." you smirked.

he leaned down and kissed you.

-"i hope this isn't how you fight all your opponents." bellamy said after he left your lips.

-"why's that?" you cocked a playful eyebrow.

-"because, i want you all to myself." he bit his lip and kissed you again.

i used this in my other imagines book but i think it's good so why not start off with this.

bellamy blake imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now