Following the horrific and history-making events of the previous night, Prince Ethan of Enchancia, who is now forever known as "The Ultimate Prince", awakens, ready to start a new life of royalty, leadership, companionship, and so much more. However...
After another 2 hours of non-stop hiking, the search party consisting of villagers, soldiers, Royals and a long lost family member slowly made thier way over one final hill. Revealing the rising sun, and Summerset Village, they'd finally completed their journey back home.
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"My god..." Johnathon Gasped with tears already in his eyes "10 long years... and i'm finally home!", "I know dad!" Ethan Smiled in response "Is it the exact same as it was all that time ago?", "That it does" His father happily Replied "Things were perfect back then... and now they can be once more! Your Royal Highness, would you please direct us towards Dunwiddie?" The King himself nervously looked over at his wife, who, with a sad expression, nodded to him. He then sighed, "I'm afraid... that can't happen", "What?" Johnathan asked, raising an brow, "Why not?". "It's a long story..." the King sighed. "It doesn't matter," John frowned, "I need to find out WHY I am still not allowed to go home, even after such a long time! I think I desverve to know." Roland just sighed again, "Alright," he said, "It's because... your... family.. now lives in the Royal Castle with me and my own children. The reason why, is because your wife... married me a little less than 3 years ago...", Johnathon jaw dropped "What!?" He Exclaimed "She did what!?". "Honey calm down!" Miranda Frowned "We can explain", "Explain what honey!?" Johnathon Growled "The fact that you fell in love with the very ruler of the kingdom of all people!? or that you forgot about me and moved on into the life of a gold digger and married the greatest of the great to replace me in memory!" but then he realized something "Either that... or it's other way around". He then glared strait at King Roland "You stole my family!" He Growled angrily, he charged strait at Roland knocking him down. The guards immidietely reacted by rushing towards the fight, only to be stopped by Ethan "Anyone who so much as touches my father, answers to me!" He Said firmly. "GET... OFF!" the King Roared, "YOUR A DEAD MAN WALKING!" Johnathon Roared back "YOU STOLE MY SOON TO BE WIFE! YOU STOLE MY SON! YOU STOLE MY DAUGHTER!". Thankfully, Ethan was able to break up the violent fued "Enough!" He Bellowed, he pulled his father off of the King and stared him in the eyes "Dad, i need you to listen to me!" He Said aloud "Neither he OR mother are guilty, you're getting confused!". Thankfully Johnathon managed to calm himself , but only a little "Boy" Said a fuming Johnathon "I love you with all my heart, but you don't now what on EARTH you are talking about! He took you and the rest of the family away from me!". "No he didn't!" Ethan Said in a most firm tone "Dad, you're not thinking strait", Johnathon was beyond puzzled "What do you mean, my boy?" He Asked seriously. "I'm saying that never stole me OR the girls" Ethan Replied "He never took mother and Sofia away from us, mother and King Roland the Second here fell in love TOGETHER". "But... why?" His father sadly Asked turning to Miranda, "It's... a long story, honey" Miranda sadly Replied. Just the she felt a top on her shoulder, just turned to see Helen Henshaw, Ruby Henshaw's mother, stading behind her "Miranda, with a due respect. Me, Ruby and everyone else here are gonna head home. Because not only do we have to catch up on sleep, but we all have a long day ahead of us". "Understandable, Helen" the Queen Replied , "I hope that your family... or should i say families, can get along and sort out the problem you're facing", "Thank you, Helen" Miranda Replied forming a small smile. And so the entire search party disbanded, and everyone tiredly went back to their homes to rest "Were all thankful to have found your big brother Sofia" Ruby yawned "But we need to lay down... for at LEAST the rest of the day". "It's ok Ruby, me and my family need the same" Sofia Smiled "Hopeful we'll catch up tommorow?", "Of course" Jade Smiled tiredly "We'll see you then". Sofia waved her best friends goodbye and turned back to see her families talking "You mean she... assumed i was dead?" Johnathon Gasped, "Yes father, we all did" Ethan sadly responded "That's why she married Roland, he gave them a better life. And she DID have to move on in life anyway...". Johnathon turned to look at the King "I am... so sorry" He apologised "I just-", "I know" the King stopped him "Any sane person would react the way you did". "Well..." Johnathon Smiled "Thanks to my son's explanation, this changes everything, you are forever in my thanks, your Highness", the King could only smile in return "Your welcome. Now, i have a proposal for you, one NO non-royal in the whole Ever Realm could refuse". "And that is?" Johnathon Asked raising an eyebrow, "How would you like... to live... in the Royal Castle!"
Everyone froze, "Rollie..." Miranda Gasped, but then a smile began to form on her face "Do you mean!?". "Of course!" Roland Smiled at her "I want what's best for you, and what could be better... then fully reuniting your family. Your REAL family". "Really dad!?" Sofia Beamed, her big brother could only laugh with joy "That's what he said!" He Beamed. Both he and Sofia laughed with joy as thier father and mother joined them in the most powerful embrace ever seen. After they all parted, Johnathon looked over at Roland "I don't what to say..." He Said happily, "Don't say anything" Roland Smiled in return, but then his head slowly tilted down "Just... be happy" He Added flatly. Everyone looked at the King of Enchancia with concern, finally he spoke "Alright then" a small smile formed on his face "Let's... head on over to the shoe shop in Dunwiddie, just in case Johnathon needs to retrieve anything he left behind all those years ago". Everyone was immidietely concerned for him, but for now they thought nothing of it and simply waited for the royal coach to arrive.