As everyone entered the nearest guest room, Johnathon began coughing violently. "Are you ok honey?" Miranda Asked with worry, "No..." Johnathon Replied weakly "I don't know... what's wrong, i was perfectly fine a moment ago. Now i feel as if i've caught the black death!". He slowly made his way over to a nearby single bed and collapsed onto it "Dad!" Sofia Gasped in horror, "Stay back, Muffin!" Her father told her in a weak but serious tone "The last thing i want is you, or anyone else for that matter severely unwell". "I'll send for the Royal Doctor!" Roland Decleared and he and Bailywick dashed off, "Dad..." Ethan Frowned "Are you alright?". "I'll be alright, son" His father Replied weakly "Just a cold... i hope" He nervously added, "Don't worry, sir" Said James "Royal Doctors are some of the best medics in the whole Ever Realm! they're bound to fix you up". "Thank you... young Prince" Johnathon Replied letting out a most terrible cough, "Here's hoping..." Ethan Frowned with worry.
15 Minutes Later
Eventually, Roland and Bailywick returned with a young looking man in a white coat and fine rim glasses following from behind. "So, you must be the new patient" the man Said "I'm Dr. Evans, i'm a part of the Ever Realm's Royal medical wing. What seems to be the problem?", Johnathon slowly got up "I feel... completely numb..." He coughed. "This sounds serious" the doctor Decleared "Everyone please clear the room, he could be contagious", and so everyone quickly walked over to the opposite side of the room so the doctor could speak with his patient "I just need to ask a few questions" He told Johnathon "To try to get a better understanding of the issue your facing". "Alright..." Johnathon Said weakly, "So tell me, when exctly did you start feeling this way?". "Not to long ago..." Johnathon Replied "But i don't understand it, I was fine the past few hours. Now i feel half dead...", "Hmmm..." Dr, Evans Thought "You are definately not suffering from a common cold, as i know that look all too well. And judgeing by your appearence alone, i'd say your suffering from something truly horrific". He then turned to face everyone else "Would you all mind if you could leave us?" He Decleared "Given the state he's in, he will require my FULL attention", "Of course" Replied King Roland "Come on everyone, let's give Mr Johnathon some space". And so everyone went to the game room in the meantime.
"I hope dad'll be alright" Sofia Frowned with worry, "I PREY" Ethan Agreed. "Don't worry, you two" Miranda assured them "I promise, your father WILL make a full recovery by the end of the week". "What do we do while he recovers?" James Asked his mother, "Well" Miranda Replied "I guess we can all go back to... living our normal, royal lives". "About time!" Ethan and Roland Said in unison, they then looked at each other with surprize and laughed out loud "I've been dying to have a normal day for once!" Roland Chuckled "Less heros and villains, more summer vacations!" Ethan Laughed. Soon everyone was laughing to their hearts content "Still the funniest royal in the whole Ever Realm!" James Laughed loudly. As everyone began to calm down, Doctor Evens came in "Am i interupting something?" He Asked with a small smile in his face, "Not at all" Roland Chuckled. "How's dad?" both Ethan and Sofia Asked with worry, "Well, he told me everything" the Doctor Replied "And i can certainly say that i am beyond amazed! considering the fact that he has lived in a dark, cold, overgrown forest for a little over 10 years strait! But anyway, even though he through many colds and diseases in the past, he isn't in that bad of a shape. I'd say he'll make a perfect revovery by the end of the week". "Wow..." James Gasped "Your dad can make a recovery THAT fast!?", "He's a strong man" Ethan winked at him "He's tougher than he looks, he'll make it through". "I guess all we can do is wait untill next sunday" Sofia Sighed, Ethan Sighed also and put a hand on her shoulder "I know that you're dying to get back together with him after so many years of being apart, i know that feeling well" He assured her "But i promise, this is THE last time we'll ever be seperated. EVER". "You promise?" Sofia Asked looking up at him, "Would i ever lie to you?" Ethan Asked back, "No?" Sofia Replied "Exactly"Ethan Smiled and he gently pulled her into a big embrace. "I'm just... so happy" Ethan Said sounding as was going to tear up, "Me two" Sofia Agreed souding the exact same, "Awww, my babies" Miranda Gushed and she came over to join them. Ethan raised his eyebrow "You've never called us that before" He Said, "I just felt like now was a good time to say it" his mother Smiled "And i promise, things WILL go back to normal, starting tommorow". "I'm certainly looking forward to that" Ethan Smiled "Finally, something NORMAL can happen". "As long as my enchantlet doesn't interupt us" Sofia giggled, "Ah, yes" Ethan Sighed "Well if it DOES, i shall personally dispose of it" a large smirk then appeared on his face, everyone giggled in response. "Well" the King Decleared "I'd say we're all in need of a VERY early night, i'm thinking around 5pm" everyone else agreed "Even though i still hate sleep" Said James "I actually kinda have to agree". "Especially TEENS" Ethan winked at him once again, "Oh, yeah!" James Laughed remembering what his big brother had said a few days ago. Eventually, it was 5pm in the evening, and everyone was ready to have an early night. Sofia and her mother showed Ethan to his newly-built room "It's complete with a balcony like mine!" Sofia Smiled, "I... might not even be able to fully settle down in it" Ethan Sighed "Considering the fact that the last time i was even IN there, i was bound to nothing but a wooden chair and steel chains!". "I know sweetie, i know" Miranda Frowned with sorrow "But that's all in the past now, the Captain can never come near you again, not as long as he's frozen solid like a statue". "Alright mother" Ethan Replied with a small smile "I'll give it my best, but... it might not even be that hard, because of just how tired we all are", "That's right" Sofia Smiled "But if you ever feel uneasy or uncomfortable, come and see us". "Of course, and thank you" Ethan Smiled happily "Now, i must be getting some well deserved shut eye, goodnight you two", "Goodnight, sweetie" his mother Smiled kissing him on the cheek. After his mother and sister had left, Ethan entered his room, and was impressed with it's stunning interior. Most of the room's color consisted of his two favourites, Red and Black, and the bed's frames were made of dark oak wood "Well, i suppose this will do" Ethan Said to himself "No such thing as a black tree anyway". And so the Ultimate Prince stripped down to his undewear and placed his clothing on an arm chair, he then slowly got into bed and was surprized by just how comfy the bedding was "Ahhhhhhh..." He Sighed happily "Now this is more like it...". Thankfully, it didn't take long for him to settle at all, he was sound asleep within just 10 minutes.
Sofia the First: Father
Mystery / ThrillerFollowing the horrific and history-making events of the previous night, Prince Ethan of Enchancia, who is now forever known as "The Ultimate Prince", awakens, ready to start a new life of royalty, leadership, companionship, and so much more. However...