Chapter 36: It All Ends Here...

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The Ultimate Prince took a brief stroll around the ballroom, shanking hands and greeting guests. "P-P-Prince Ethan..." a young villiger beamed like the sun, "It's... it's really you! I-I remember the very day you were found by your family, and how the Queen's history was changed forever upon us all realizing you were of her decent! I was near the front, watching with nothing but pure amazement as you rose from that old, odd coffin! And ever since you saved us all from that demonic, otherworldly monster, i've always dreamt of meeting you face to face! You're a hero!". Ethan could only smile proudly "Thank you, good sir. But I can't take all due credit, for my sister Sofia clearly holds the title of 'Heroin'". "Oh, of course!" the villiger grinned in return, "But you're the REAL hero of today! Because let's all face it, you took on the very Creator of all Evil itself! And, thanks to you, nothing bad can ever harm the world ever again!". "You're most welcome," Ethan smiled proudly, "And thank you for coming". Another nearby villiger spoke up, "No, Your Prince. Thank YOU." Ethan simply smiled and nodded, before carrying on.


John and Miranda were chatting amongst the crowd when Roland walked over with his parents. "John, Miranda," he decleared, "I believe you've yet to meet my father, King Roland the First". "Your Majesty" the Queen smiled as she curtsied before him. "Please," he smiled grandly, "Call me Sir". "And I you must be Sir Johnathan," the Grand Queen smiled in a formal fashion. "That I am, madame..." John replied awkwardly, "Only... without the the title." The Grand Queen chuckled lightly, "It's such a lovely and life-changing surprize to meet the true father of my step granddaughter. My boy has told us everything, and we're truly sorry for all that you've been through all those years". "Thank you, ma'am," John responded softly, "At first... myself and your son had a downright TERRIBLE falling out. But as times gone on... I've only become thankful for all he's done in the past, taking my family in and giving them a life greater than I could ever provide, whilst myself and my son were away". "You're... welcome, John," Roland smiled, he sounded as if he was going to cry. "Are you alright, deary?" the Grand Queen asked her youngest child. "Of course, mother," the King replied, "I'm just happy for him, that's all". "For me?" a concerned John asked, "Or is something else the matter?". "Oh it... it doesn't matter," Roland replied, "Just-". "Does anyone hear that!?" Ethan said aloud, "What was that, Ethan?!" Roland called over. But, before he could answer, the doors flung open with a double bang, and a person went flying across the room and slid across the floor.

The whole room gasped with horror, "What the hell!?" exclaimed Ethan. "What the!?" exclaimed Johnathan. "Whoa!" exclaimed James. As soon as the person stopped sliding, he ever so slowly got to his feet, it was royal sorcerer himself. "Cedric!?" gasped Roland. "What in the name of Gideon is going on!?" gasped his father. The wizard quickly got up and raced back outside; but almost a second after he did, everyone heard a loud, angry voice. It sounded like it was reciting the name of a spell, then out of nowhere, there was a bright flash of green, and Cedric went flying across the room once again, this time landing on a table, smashing everything on it in the process with a loud crash. "Guards!" the King shouted, but nobody came. "Everyone keep calm and maintain a safe distance, I'll deal with this!" Ethan called out. He rushed over to the doors, only to get knocked back another green flash of light. "Ethan!" Miranda shreiked as her son skidded back at high speeds, "Son!" Johnathan cried. "GUARDS!" roared the King. Just then, everyone was met with a sight truly heartbreaking. There was Sofia, fearlessly defending herself against a large man in silver armor, weilding a massive sword. Valthor grabbed the Princess by both arms and gently pinned her to the left side of the door frame. "Are you finally done wasting our time?" he snarled. Just then he heard a loud, furious, almost demonic voice, "GET THE FUCK OFF HER!!!!!". The Ultimate Prince tackled him strait to the ground as Sofia fell back down to earth. "YOU!" he roared in the Captain's face, "HOW IN THE FUCK DID YOU GET HERE!? YOU WERE DONE FOR!!!". "Think. Again. Boy!" the Captain growled back, "And seeing as you're here, I can, at long last, make Lady Justice proud!". He headbutt the Prince on the forehead and kicked him in the chest with such force, he went flying back a good 8 feet. Everyone screamed in horror. Ethan groaned loudly as he ever so slowly got back to his feet, "Well then... looks like I can FINALLY put you down... for good!" he boomed. And with that, both warriors charged at one another, fully prepared for a fight of the ages. Sofia on the other hand, managed to recover and race over to her parents. "Sofia!" her mother cried, "Are you alright!? Are you hurt!?". "I'm fine..." Sofia replied, trying desperately to compose herself. "Johnny, she's shaking!" the Queen gasped, but then she saw the fight going down. "Johnny, Ethan's in trouble!". The towering father growled furiously as he began marching over to the fight, only to be stopped by the King. "John, wait!" he stated, trying to keep him back, "Ethan's both old enough AND strong enough to defend himself". "Are you out of your bloody mind!?" John fumed, "He's going to get himself killed!" Roland quickly assured him, "Don't worry, Ethan's took down bigger ane stronger people in the past. He'll be alright, we need to let him handle this...". Ethan managed to break free of the Captain's grasp, push him back, and swing his sword in rapid succession, "All these years... and I still remember your ugly mush!" he screamed, his face as red as his clothing. "All these years?" the Captain asked angrily, "We bearly met face to face the last fortnight!". Ethan growled under his breath for the millionth time, slowly lowered his blade, and began talking. "It all started a little over a decade ago," he said, "I used to live in the village shoe shop with my mother, father, and sister. Life was simple... beautiful... peaceful, untill YOU happened!". "Me?" the outraged Captain asked, "Continue, I think we all deserve to hear how this ends". Ethan did just that, "I woke up in the middle of the night due to a few frightened voices and went downstairs to see what the commotion was about, only to discover a horiffying truth. There was patrol of royal soldiers and villigers marching on their way to our home. Soon, there was a loud knock at the door, as if someone was trying to break it down. After my father answered the door, he was greeted by a huge man clad fully in armor, apart from a helmet. He was told that he was under arrest due to him being a 'surviver', and yet he didn't even explain what that ment. But father was having none of it and tried to defend himself, and yet the visitor just couldn't care less, he ordered my father to surrender himself, reaching for his weapon, and go with them to the castle dungeons. But father contniued to defend himself, protesting his innocenc. But he ended up angering the crowd even more, and the bearded man began threatening him with force. But then, something happened that changed my perspective of others forever: He headbutt you clean in the face, and slammed the door shut and locked it. He then almost immediately raced back over to me and mother, before hurrying us into the kitchen. And then he... picked me up in his arms and... raced over to the back door and looked mother in the eyes, then said something that flooded my mind with nothing but questions: 'Goodbye, my love'. Finally, we... we left through the door as we heard a loud crashing noise echo through the house."

But, before the Prince could continue further, his father spoke up, but kept his tone soft, "My son... you remember..." Ethan ever so slowly turned to face his old man, "Of course I do... how could I not?..." he said tearfuly, "I saw... everything... I know... everything." John took one long look at Valthor before his face went blank, nearly fainting in surprize. "You... YOU'RE HIM!" he roared, everyone was surprized and concerned for him. "Everyone!" he announced, his veins about to burst, "This... imbecile, is the one responsible! The one who caused me and my son to abandon our home! Our home AND our girls!". Everyone was shocked at the sudden outburst, "AND YOU!" Captain Valthor roared back, his face a deep shade of pink, "THE SURVIVOR OF THE BRITS! THE WILDERNESS NEVER ATE YOU ALIVE?!". "Never!" John growled, "Every passed year untill now... I confront the trauma. You haven't changed a bit!". "Neither have you, kid," Valthor growled back, he slowly began to walk in John, "You always were one of those... tea loving leaches!". "How long have you been practicing that one?" John snarled, "If I may recall, you and your little friends refered to me and my people as 'scum'". "Because they are!" Valthor growled, "You aren't even from the Ever Realm!". Everyone gasped, they didn't know what to do, or even think. "What!?" gasped Miranda. "What!?" gasped Sofia. "Not from the Ever Realm? Our own HOME?" Ethan snarled, "Shut your trap, you lying twat!". "It's alright, son!" John sighed with rage, "It's true". "Tell them, John," Valthor in a serious tone, "Tell them where you REALLY hail from. When it comes to family, there are no liars." John sighed loudly once more, he knew there was no way out. He took a deep breath, and began talking.

"My name is Johnathan Richard Kingsley, I was born January 17th, 1981, and was raised in the country of United Kingdom. I lived with my mother 'Emily', and father 'Nigel'. Life was simple, me and my parents lived in a place called 'Pall Mall', a residential street in the St. James area of London, the heart of the country. It truly was a peaceful world, that is... untill that one fateful day arrived. One late night, I was in the midst of a deep sleep. It was around midnight, and all was silent. Only for it all to be interupted abruptly when my ears picked up what sounded like more than a thousand explosions all at once! I rushed downstairs to find my parents already wide awake, they told me that something was wrong, and that people were screaming for their lives. They quickly opened the door to reveal a sight they wished they would never see... World War III. Amazingly, my father actually had a plan! He said that we were to make a run for the docks, as the Royal Navy must there must be some sort of evacuation boat operational. And so we did just that, however... as we were racing past exploding buildings, screaming pedestrians and out of control drivers, we got separated. After I finally arrived at the harbor... or what was left of it, i looked all around me and noticed that my parents were nowhere to be seen. But I tried to remain calm and thought that they were running a little late, and so I seeked shelter and waited... and waited... and waited. Untill at last, a perosn that looked like a sailer raced over to me. He told me that I HAD get aboard, but I had no choice but to decline as I told that my parents were on their way, and that we simply HAD to wait for them. But he had no choice but to tell me to... say my goodbyes... as we had to evacuate out to sea immediately for our own safety. And so myself, the ships's crew and everyone else aboard, headed out to the safety of the wide open sea. I slowly turned around to look at the city that was once my home, now completely under seige. I... could not... stop myself from crying the nile river... my life was over."

"Well, there you have it..." He finished with a single tear in his eye "That... is my entire story. I swore upon my life that I would tell NO ONE... but it seems that I have finally broken and have been forced to give in to the wonderful world that is 'Reality'". The entire room fell silent, only for it to be rudely interupted "And yet you finally learn the truth" Captain Valthor "That secrets can never REMAIN secrets forever", he slowly drew his sword "Say hello to Excaliber the Second!". "You monster! Why are you doing this!?" Queen Miranda Cried "What has he ever done to you!?", "Not himself, but his very culture! MY FAMILY ARE ALL DEAD BECAUSE OF HIS PEOPLE!".

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