Epilogue: Part 4

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Later that morning, everyone was in the main parlor conversating with one another "Ah, i forgot to mention something" Walt Decleared. He waved his right hand to the side, but nothing happened "Yes?" Ethan Said awkwardly. Walt Chuckled "It's in the next room. Johnathon, would you care to go and have look?", "Certainly" Johnathon Replied and he left and entered the room next door. "Oh my giddy aunt!" came a loud cry of happiness, "What is he up to?" Ethan Thought. A few monets later, the doors flung over and Johnathon rushed in "I can't bloody believe it!" He Beamed excitedly "That room is FULL of my family's old things! i can't believe this!". "How the heck does THAT work!?" Etan Asked in confusion, Walt gave him a 'Knowing' look, Ethan Laughed  "Why am i not surprized?". "What, YOU did this, Walt?" Asked Johnathon, "That i did" Walt Smiled proudly. "But... why?" Johnathon Asked, "It was only natural for me do such a thing so that you'd have a bit of nostalgic memorabilia to help you feel more at home. Even though MOST of your old belongings from back in the real world have probably long-since burned to ash due to the... sudden outbreak of war, but they're all the exact same types as the ones you and your family used to own". Johnathon felt tears coming on upon hearing those words "I don't know what to say..." He Said softly, "Don't say anything" Walt Smiled "All i ask, is you take good care them, they're technicaly the only ones left in existance". "But how on earth was that even possible!?" Johnathon Asked "I thought the strange portal from my world to yours was destroyed", Walt Smiled and tapped the side of his nose in a knowing way. "Well, is show and tell going to start or what!?" Ethan Asked causing everyone to laugh out loud. And so Johnathon began to bring in many strange and wonderful objects one at a time "Alright, the first one is a music player!" He Smiled, placing a rather large detailed box on the table alongside 2 other smallers ones.

 And so Johnathon began to bring in many strange and  wonderful objects one at a time "Alright, the first one is a music  player!" He Smiled, placing a rather large detailed box on the table alongside 2 other smallers ones

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"What is this?" Asked Roland, "I'm glad you asked" Smiled Johnathon. "This, my family, is a music player!", "A music player?" Asked Lorelei "As in, it plays music?", "That is correct, Your Highness" Smiled Johnathon "Allow me to show you, gather round everyone". Everyone gathered round and Johnathon began explaining the strange contraption in detail "The plastic top panel opens up to reveal a rotating disk, you place a record on to it and it play the song on said record". Everyone had became confused after just a few words in "W-What?" went the King, "...What does any of that even mean?" went Ethan. Johnathon Smiled and Sighed "Alright, let me try that again. The TOP of the box-like machine is where you place the chosen song wish to play", "But don't you need a band and instuments to play music?" Asked Amber "I don't exactly see how a 'Box' can play music...". "Quite right, Amber" Agreed Roland the First "Johnathon, would you mind TRUELY showing us how it works?", "I Agree" Said Grand Mum "Would you care to do a demonsrait?". "Of course" Johnathon Smiled "Now, prepare to witness the power of 'Real World Technology' for the first time!", everyone watched him look through a cardboard box filled with square shaped pieces of paper, each had an extremely unique styled cover on the front. Johnathon mumbled to himself as he searced through "No... not this one... too long... to advanced... too futuristic... Ah, perfect!", he finally pulled one out and showed it to them.

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