Chapter 4: Coincidence?

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Third Pov.

"What do you mean school is cancelled?" (Y/N) asked confused with a hint of happiness while leaning on his dresser shirtless and partially put on pants, "Yeah, some teachers were 'let go' and we have the rest of the week off from school." Jace said from the other side of the phone, (Y/N) moves to his laptop and checks the school website and sure enough school has been suspended. He smiles and goes downstairs, still speaking to Jace over the phone, "So what are you going to do for the week?" he asks the wolf already knowing the answer, "Well I'll probably be in places I'm not supposed to be doing things I'm not allowed to do." (Y/N) chuckles at his response while grabbing a bowl along with some milk and cereal, as he was making himself breakfast he was thinking about things he could do over the unexpected vacation. His sister instantly came to mind, recently he had been seeing her in an all new light. Rather than seeing her as his sister he has been wanting her to be something more, to put it simply he wanted to start dating her. It has even gotten to the point where he catches himself staring at her assets. But he didn't want ruin their relationship they had so he just kept it a secret, however after the Butch scenario yesterday he decided that he had to confess to her... eventually. "Well, I'll leave you to it then." Jace says hastily and hangs up the phone, (Y/N) simply sighs as he continues to eat his basic breakfast.

(Y/N) Pov.

After I finish my cereal I rinse my bowl and put it in the dishwasher like normal however I suddenly notice something, it's quiet, too quiet. I look around the kitchen a see that Jackie is nowhere to be seen which is pretty rare, especially this time of morning. I decide to check in her room to see if she is still asleep. As I walk up the stairs I think of ways to tell her how I feel, "Well there's the movies, we could go to the park and get ice cream, or we could play some video games..." I sigh as I reach the second floor and walk to her bedroom door. I absentmindedly open the door and blush at what I see, Jackie is sleeping in nothing other than a baggy t-shirt, that I'm pretty sure is the t-shirt I lost a month ago, and a pair of lace panties that leave nothing to the imagination. To add onto that she is cutely snoring. I'm about to leave the room but I notice that her laptop is unlocked at has a few tabs open, "No (Y/N), it's her business not yours... Fuck it." I say while I sit down at her desk chair.

When I do my blush darkens as I see multiple porn tabs open, the one she was most recently watching was humanxfurry. My blush only keeps getting worse as I look at different tabs and I imagine her playing with herself. She had several tabs of P.O.V, furryxhuman, but what made me blush to the point of almost passing out is the incest tabs open, all of them were brotherxsister. "Does she think of me that way?! No, this is just a coincidence." I think to myself as I quickly get up from the desk and try to leave once again with nothing stopping me this time.

I quietly shut the door behind me and practically jump down the stairs and as I reach the bottom I hear a door upstairs open. I jump on the couch and sit there a moment before hearing the door shut, I watch the stairs expecting Jackie to come down but after five minutes of complete silence I let out a breath of relief. I sit up and get my phone out of my pocket to see if anyone wanted to hang out to get me out of any potential awkward situations with Jackie, and luckily Nick quickly replied. He wanted to go to the arcade soon and said I could some along. I get up and go upstairs to get dressed, this time I make it simple and wear a (F/C) t-shirt with black jeans. I grab a blank piece of paper off my desk and quickly write a note telling Jackie that I was out with a friend and shouldn't be home until dark, and pin it to the fridge. As I'm on my way out I grab the keys to my new car to brag just a little bit.


Nick told me to meet him at the local donut shop near the arcade, but when I pulled into the parking lot I didn't see him anywhere around. I decide to get a snake while I'm here and go inside to see what they have in stock. When I'm inside I go straight to the line and look at the small display case to pick my snack, "Hey (Y/N)!" a chipper voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn and see a family friend and friendly neighborhood police officer, Sophia Rodgers.

I smile as the gleeful feline walked up to me with a strawberry sprinkle donut in hand, "How are you?" I ask genuinely curious, her last relationship ended with her boyfriend cheating, she didn't care much because she isn't really into the dating ...

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I smile as the gleeful feline walked up to me with a strawberry sprinkle donut in hand, "How are you?" I ask genuinely curious, her last relationship ended with her boyfriend cheating, she didn't care much because she isn't really into the dating scene but it sill hurt her. She smiles and giggles a little but something's off about it, "I'm fine, even better that your here. Happy birthday!" she says reassuringly prompting me to thank her with a smile but I stop when she moves closer to me, "Sorry your present isn't ready yet so you'll have to wait but trust me, it'll be worth it." she taps my nose to punctuate the sentence causing me to chuckle, "Don't worry Ms.Rodgers, take as much time as you would like." I say as I'm getting my food, but that is cut short by Nick bursting into the shop, "Arcade! Now!" he shouts while grabbing me by my arm and dragging me outside. I quickly wave goodbye to the laughing police officer before following Nick outside, "C'mon dude, we gotta get there before it gets to busy!" he frantically yells while trying to turn ahead. I grab the hood of his jacket and drag him over to my car despite his protests but he quickly shuts up when I throw him into the passenger seat. I sit down in the driver seat and turn on the ignition as the engine to roared to life, "Are you stealing cars now?" Nick asks as he looks around the interior. I just chuckle as I start the short drive to the arcade.

(I'm sorry this chapter is really short but my Wattpad is having some technical difficulties where it doesn't show me my books so I can write at times. Also, I am thinking of doing a lemon but I have never written one and it will probably cause you to cringe. So tell me if you want a lemon if not then I'll just skip that part until I get some practice in a throw away book or something.)

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