File 365: "Butch" and Dr.C

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Location: [REDACTED]


Subject: Daniel Clark

Overseer: Doctor C.

Butch Pov.

I wake up in a chair with a blindfold or some other cloth covering my eyes preventing me from seeing my surroundings. I try to reach up and remove the cloth but my hands are kept to the arms of the chair by restraints. However, I hear a man speaking to someone or something, "Negotiation number two. After the failure from the first negotiation with Johnson, V tasked me with retrieving another potential candidate, even though she has done enough recon to do it herself. After some research and reconnaissance, I have brought Daniel Clark to our temporary base of operation for negotiations-"

I growl as I hear him start something about me as if I was some fucking lab rat, "Who the fuck are you!?" I ask as I struggle in my chair, trying to free myself of the restraints. I hear him before he continues his monologue, "Hopefully, he'll be cooperative. Unlike the previous subject." He says with a click coming shortly after his sentence.

I hear him walk towards me and sit in a chair in front of me. I lift my leg to try and kick him but it's quickly grabbed and restrained by the man, "Do not fight, I'm simply here to make an offer." He said calmly after restraining both of my legs.

I sit in the chair, still growling but slightly interested in what he has to say, "I know who you are 'Butch' and I know you resent (Y/N) Fang. I know how you feel when someone even so much as mentions his name. You can't stand it." He says with fake sympathy. I keep quiet and listen, however, my interest is fading, "You're jealous of him-" I cut him off as he starts speaking out of his ass, "Shut the fuck up. Why would I ever be jealous of that loser?" I asked sneering.

"Because you constantly are being compared to him. You father does it, Kathy even started comparing you to him. The girl you truly had feelings for, is comparing you to that scum..." He stops, waiting for my response. But I don't say anything, "How would you like to change that? To... remove him and your obstacles in one fell swoop. All you need to do is kill the Fang family and leave (Y/N) for us." I scoff at the proposition he gives me.

"Are you fucking crazy? They're a military family, they'd kill me before I got close." I said with anger, but he wasn't finished, "When given the signal, our forces will attack selected cities one of which is your own. During the panic, you can kill the Fang family and your life will be spared along with Kathy's so you may live with her in peace. Do you accept our offer?" I sit there baffled at his claims. Their "Forces", an attack on multiple cities?

"... Who are you people?" I ask concerned. He chuckles for a moment,

"...We are The Reaper's Children..."

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