Chapter 7: Mom's Always Know

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Narrative Pov.

Ah! Welcome back! Just in time to see (Y/N) waking up from the nap he took after his and Jackie's "session".

(Y/N) Pov.

I wake up to the sound of loud beeping. I groggily roll over and smack my alarm clock but feel something else. I open my eyes and notice I'm sitting naked in my treehouse, I also see Jackie naked and fast asleep despite the noise. I smile as I grab the source of the noise and realize it's a stopwatch. My stomach drops as I quickly pull back the shades to check how long we were asleep for, to my relief, it's still dark out. I let out a sigh and try to wake up Jackie so we can return to the bonfire.

"Five more minutes...." She mumbles as she tossed over to face away from me. I chuckle before shaking her awake, "No, we have to get back to the others so they don't think we got lost or something." She slowly sits up and stretched before looking at me with tired eyes. "Fine, but I'm going back to sleep when we get home." She exclaimed as she started to get dressed, I chuckled again and get dressed as well before we descend the ladder. But when we get to the bottom she throws herself on me and mumbles, "Carry me... Please." I sigh and let her on my back for a piggyback ride and we finally start making our way home.


After we made it back to camp everyone was waiting for us, at first they thought Jackie was hurt but after I explained to them that she was just tired they laughed. We all decided to cut the party short, much to the dismay of Nick who had been shot several times by Jace, and everybody head home.

Now it's the next day and I'm still in bed cuddling Jackie. But I smell the familiar scent of bacon. I snake my way out of the bad and replace myself with a pillow for Jackie cuddle and quickly run downstairs. As I'm running into the kitchen I slid to a stop, standing in front of the stove is my mother... with nothing but an apron on. "Mom!" I shout as I cover my eyes and face away from her with the image burned into my eyes. I hear her giggle, "Sorry, I didn't think you would be awake so soon." She apologized as she kept cooking. I just sigh and give her the t-shirt I was wearing, and due to the size difference, it covered her womanhood, barely. "Hey, where's dad?" I ask noticing the lack of horrible puns and equally bad stories, "He said he was running to the store to get you an 'I'm sorry for missing your birthday' gift. Anyways, could you go get your sister?" She says as she starts putting breakfast on a couple of plates. I nod and move back upstairs and into her room, but when I look to the bed she isn't there.

Suddenly somebody jumps on me from behind the door and knocks me to the floor before straddling me, "Ha! Gotcha!" Jackie said as she laid down on top of me. I laugh and wrap my arms around her waist and give her a kiss. "C'mon, breakfast is ready," I said sneaking out from under her despite her protests. We both head downstairs and sit at the table where mom is waiting with breakfast, we chat as we eat and overall have a good meal. But mom catches us both off guard with her next question, "So did you two finally get together?" She asks making both Jackie and I choke in our food. When I clear my throat I look at her shocked, "W-why would y-you ask that!?" I practically shout in her face. "Well, you both were cuddling in Jackie's bed half-naked. Plus a mother always knows." She says calmly as she keeps eating. "And you're ok with this?" I ask her more calmly as I start eating again, "Well, yeah. Your relationship isn't biological and because you are our adopted son we already know you're a good boy." She replies as she finishes her breakfast and starts cleaning up. After that, Jackie and I both finish our food in silence, then we clean up our dishes and sit with Mom in the living room.

When we all sat down, mom asked another question which startled me even more, "Well I know you've been looking at your sister, but have you been looking at me?~" she asks seductively while pulling down her shirt so it shows off her curves. I look away but just like before, the image is burned into my eyes, "M-mom! What are you doing?!" I ask as both of the girls burst out into laughter, "Calm down, I'm just kidding!" She spit out in between breaths. After they stop laughing at me we leave to do our own things, but Jackie and I stuck together and she said something confusing, "You know... I wouldn't mind sharing you." She said as I just stared at her in confusion." Other than that, the rest of our vacation was a blur.

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