Chapter 11: Skipping School

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(Glad to finally update this, a couple of you guys seemed like you were ready to kill me with how long it's been taking)

Narrator Pov.

We return to Wellspring after (Y/N) and Jane's fun last night, along with an unexpected visitor from completely out of nowhere... I'm sure it's fine.

(Y/N) Pov.

"(Y/N)... (Y/N)... (Y/N)!...(Y/N)!!!"

My eyes shoot open as Jane is shouting in my face while shaking me, "C'mon (Y/N), we have school today!" She yells, jumping onto me. I sigh as I pick her up, slinging her over my shoulder, "H-hey! What a-are you doing!?" She asked while punching my back. I simply smile and give her butt a good smack causing her to be quiet.

I open the door only to be met with J̴a̴c̶k̴i̸e̷ who gives me a quick kiss, "So, Jane is your first pick to add to you little harem?" She asks giving Jane's butt a little pat. I nod as I feel Jane stop struggling, "W-wait, I'm sharing you with Jackie?" She asks nervously, "And anyone else who wants his massive dick.~" Jackie says grabbing my crotch in the process.

However, her hands quickly move back up to Jane's butt, "Do you have a problem with that?" She asks as she gropes Jane. Jane stutters for a moment before finally speaking, "N-no, I-it's just that I-I wasn't expecting that..." She says stuffing her face into my shirt.

"Well, good because I'm the leader of this pack, which means I come first!" Jackie says before leaving without hearing Jane's response. I chuckle and finally set a blushing Jane down so she could walk herself. However, as soon as she tries to take a step she falls. I grab her and hold her up, "Sorry, I guess I was a little rough last night." I said partially joking.

She lets out a giggle as she gets back on her own two feet and we head downstairs, "So, what are your plans for breakfast?" She asks sliding down the railing, "Well, I don't usually eat breakfast. I just kinda get up and go. The only time I do is when Jackie makes some for me whenever she feels motivated to do it." I answer as we reach the bottom.

I start moving to the kitchen to see if there's anything I could quickly grab for our breakfast before school, but, my attention is drawn to my mother who's sitting on the couch watching the news, "Dad's out working again?" I ask, leaning against a half wall surprising her. She jumps but calms down as she realizes that it's me, "Y-yeah, he s-said that they needed him t-there. I'm just worried h-he might be..." She trails off while looking at the tv. When I try to ask her what she had meant she cuts me off, "Holy shit..." She says shocked while looking at the tv.

I walk fully into the living room to see what was on the tv. I stop dead in my tracks as I see the picture of a building comes into view, however, on the side of the building, a human body was hanging out of a window with " WE WILL FIND YOU T.R.C" written in blood and the caption "Another Murder in Wellspring" is displayed below.

"What the fuck." I said as I stare at the gruesome sight, "Don't worry, they'll be taken care of soon." Emma says trying to calm me down. I nod my head as I walk back to the kitchen, still nervous about the killers in our town, "Y-yeah, I bet you're right, you usually are." I mumbled as I walk through the doorway, however, once I did I bumped into Jane causing her to squeak and nearly drop her food.

"You do that a lot, don't you?" I teased her trying to distract myself from the news. She puffed her cheeks and turned away from me, "So what?" She asked mad. I chuckle and pinch her butt, "It's cute."

(Small Timeskip)

Well, as Jane said, we have school and that's where I am heading with Jane walking alongside me. Every now and then we see people walking in the direction but for the most part, we just ignore the strange glances we get, "So Jackie, Ms.Anderson, and Ms.Stone are apart of your little 'group' as well?" Jane asks making sure she understood what I was telling her, "Don't forget, Melissa, Jess, Ms.White, and Ms.Perkins may want to be with me, despite not knowing about my newly forming group." I say scratching the back of my neck thinking of anyone else who has seemed to act strangely near me.

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