Chapter 5: The Surprise

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Narrative Pov.

After the close encounter with Jackie and her 'interests', (Y/N) ends up going out with Nick for a day at the arcade. Meanwhile his friends are setting up a surprise for him...

(Y/N) Pov.

After going into the arcade and buying the tokens to play, Nick and I got to playing all of the games that were provided. New, old, didn't matter we played them all. However when it came to the ticket games we had a mini competition, whoever had the most tickets by the end of the day took them all. I didn't care all to much about the prizes because most of them sucked, the real fun was seeing Nick try to catch up but always being a little bit behind. After some time we split up to play different games and I ended up playing skee ball. I was winning a good amount of tickets but after my third game a voice interrupted me, "(Y/N)!"

I turn and see Nick running to me with a bundle of tickets in his hand, "The arcade is closing soon, if we're gonna get something from the prize counter we gotta do it now." He says as he grabs my arm and drags me to the front and to a ticket collector. We both feed our winnings into the machines and come up with our totals. I won with 3,065 tickets where as Nick only got 1,081. "Aw man, how did you get so many?" He asked while looking down at his ticket count, "I don't spend my time hitting on girls." I reply while walking up to the prize counter with him trailing behind shortly after. When we do make it to the counter he hand me his tickets and I buy a shit ton of candy because they didn't have anything better.

When we walk outside we are met with the cool air of the night and the sounds of laughter from other kids no doubtfully making the most of their sudden vacation. We both get into the car and split the candy and make our way home, all of our houses are close together so he just told me he would walk home. During our drive we talked while the radio softly played music for white noise, however most of the time we were cracking jokes and talking about our plans for school.

When we pulled up to our house he got out and started slowly walking away, whistling to himself as he does. I open the door to my home and take a step before several people scream, "Happy birthday (Y/N)!" I smile as I look at my friends who have jumped out of hiding places around my living room, including Jess, Ava, and Jane.

 I open the door to my home and take a step before several people scream, "Happy birthday (Y/N)!" I smile as I look at my friends who have jumped out of hiding places around my living room, including Jess, Ava, and Jane

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Before I could say anything I'm put into a headlock from Nick who has come up behind me, he then ruffles my hair saying, "Happy birthday bro, now you can get any chicks you want." I roll my eyes as Nick thinks with his dick rather than his head. "Well? Are we just gonna stand here or are we gonna have fun!" Jace shouts raising a glass with one hand as the other wraps around Redd, everybody cheers as we grab a drink, "Well I've got a couple ideas for the party but first we've gotta wait for dark to use the bonfire outside, so in the meantime we gotta come up with a game to play. Any ideas?" He asks as he looked around the room. Suddenly Ava jumps up from her seat and yells out, "Seven minutes in heaven!" After no one objects we start setting up the game.

We each write our name on a piece of paper and put it in two separate boxes, one for the guys and one for the girls. "Because it's (Y/N)'s party, he gets to go first." Jace says as he hold out the girls box to me, I reach in a grab a name at random. When I look at it I see Jackie's name scribbled onto the paper, the events of this morning come rushing back to me as I'm ushered into the dark closet. Despite the size of our house the closet is pretty small, meaning Jackie was practically on top of me at the moment. After a painful silence I decide that this is the best time to tell her about my feelings, "Listen, Jackie I..." I stop mid sentence, trying to put my feelings into words. I'm about to continue speaking but Jackie beats me to it, "I need to tell you something." she says as she moves closer to me, I stay quiet as a million thoughts run through my head, "What if she knows I was peaking around in her ro-" I'm suddenly pulled out of my thoughts as Jackie smashed her lips into mine, pressing her body against mine as she wraps her arms around my neck. At first I'm frozen in place but I quickly melt into the kiss as I instinctually wrap my arms around her waist, however just as quickly it started she pulls away, "I love you (Y/N), I don't care what anyone else thinks. When you came home with Mom and Dad that day I was so happy to have a little brother, but over time I started feeling differently." as she is speaking she hold me tighter. She shoves her face into my chest, "I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way but I needed to get that off my chest..." She says as her voice was slightly muffled in my shirt. "Jackie I... I feel the same way." I say and tilt up her head, "I can't get you out of my head, I just didn't tell you because I was afraid of losing you." I softly kiss her and she kissed me back, but rather than the rushed kiss like earlier, this one is filled with passion. After what felt like an eternity we are forced apart by the need for oxygen and she rests her head on my chest, "How fast are we going to take this?" she asks still laying on me, "As fast as you want to." I reply rubbing her back.

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