Chapter 13: Nightmare

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(Also, this is my first time writing gore so keep that in mind.)

I look around confused, I was obviously dreaming but I was standing in the middle of the street in town, " Usually my dreams have to do with sex or normal activities. Why am I here?" I ask aloud as I start to walk down the street.

However, my attention is drawn to a dark alleyway not too far away from me. I slowly walk towards the dark path progressing what I believe is a nightmare but, as I do I feel strange. As if someone was watching me, or trying to burn holes into the back of my head using nothing but their eyes.

I quickly whip around and see a shadow dart into an alleyway across from me. I quickly take after it, hoping catching it would give me an explanation or two. I keep weaving through the labyrinth of endless alleyways, just behind whoever I was chasing.

However, as I round a turn, I come to a large open area with the figure nowhere to be seen. What I did see though, were bodies, a lot of them. All mangled, torn apart with most of them left on the ground like discharged trash... but there were four bodies chained against the wall, Jackie, Miss Stone, Jane, and Lucina.

Jackie had a huge hole in her head with blood spilling out and covering a mass amount of smaller cuts along her body, above her was "SICK MUTT" written in blood.

To her left was Miss Stone who had her lower jaw ripped off with her intestines pouring out of a hole in her stomach, above her, similarly to Jackie, "FISH WHORE" was written with blood.

Next was Jane who had beaten to the point where you could barely tell it was even her. But there was no mistaking her white converse which she had drawn on whenever she had gotten bored in school. Now they were stained red by her own blood. The message above her was simply one word, "VERMIN"

Finally was Lucina, she had been stripped naked and burned in multiple spots exposing the flesh underneath her skin. I didn't look any longer than I had too as my eyes quickly darted up to the message above her, "FALSE CREATOR"

I stare in horror as I feel the tears well up in my eyes. I don't even turn to the thing walking up to me, I say that because I don't hear the footfalls of shoes or boots but instead, I hear the ear-piercing sound of claws scraping the ground. I feel my body freeze as a cold hand is slipped under my shirt an arm is wrapped around my shoulder, "How is my lover?~" a soft feminine voice whispers into my ear, however, I can hear a trace of insanity in her voice.

Overcoming the horror of the sight in front of me, I manage to choke out the only thing I can think of, "Who- are you?" She giggles as she pulls me closer and presses her breasts against my back whilst caressing my chest, "Oh~ You don't remember? Well, you can call me... your Reaper.~" she says confusing me. But, before I can turn to her, I feel extreme pain on my left forearm. I let out a pained scream as I hold up my arm and watch the sleeve burn away, and under it is some kind of old writing, glowing red as if on fire: "ᛞᛖᚨᛏᚺ".

From behind me, the girl lets out a small moan of pleasure, " Our brands are returning...~" she says holding out her right arm, revealing an anthro hyena arm with a "brand" as she put it. However, her brand seems like an extension of mine: "ᛞᛖᚨᛏᚺ'ᛋ ᚱᛖᚨᛈᛖᚱ".

"What the fuck are you doing to me?!" I ask as the pain from the brand slowly subsides. All she does is giggle and let go of me. I turn to try and get a look at her but when I do, she is not there, neither are the bodies that were littering the ground. I face forward again hoping the hanging bodies have vanished as well but, they are still there...

I finally can't stomach it any longer and run to the nearest alleyway but I run into someone, knocking me to the ground. The man laughs and kicks me in the side "What is it Subject 3042?! I thought I trained you to be an emotionless killer! Yet, here you are, weeping over the corpses of your 'lovers'..."

I try to look up to the man and fail as another person grabs me by the hair and lifts my head up to meet the eyes of someone I hadn't expected to be here, Butch.

"Well looky here! The monster is finally donning his brand! Not long until V gets her way with him..." He says smiling while looking at the man who had kicked me. But he frowns as the man tells him something I cannot hear. He groans and turns back to me with a smile, "Guess Wellspring is next on the list, I'll be killing a lot of people you know soon. Sweet dreams!" He says before slamming my head into the ground, knocking me out and sending me back to reality...

(I decided to throw my schedule out of the window and write this. So, here you go, the final chapter of book 1. Yep, you read that right, this is going to become a series with the second book unleashing hell on Wellspring along with much more. I'll be making an info chapter with an updated harem along with the chosen OC's soon.)

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