Chapter 8: New Teachers

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Narrative Pov.

After an encounter with Lucina, a scientist who had experimented on him when he was a child, he finds out that his school day has been extended with two new classes. As of now, he sits with his friends and continues the year-long game of Truth or Dare.

(Y/N) Pov.

After getting my lunch I go to our table and see everyone already there, waiting for me so we could continue the truth or dare. When I sit down, Jace wastes no time, calling on Jess, "Alright, now that (Y/N) is here. Jess, truth or dare." He says with his normal monotone voice.

"Dare!" Jess yells happily, practically vibrating from having to contain her excitement to get to play. Jace smiles as he signals for her to lean in closer so he could whisper to her. When she does, she gains a sinister grin.

She then gets up from her seat and walks towards me with a say in her hips. Before sitting on my lap, facing me and wrapping her arms around my neck. She starts moving her hips, not enough for everyone else to see but enough for me to feel it. I blush, trying to figure out what the hell Jace dared her to do.

"Jess, what are you doing?" I ask distracted by her once again shoving my face into her breasts. She giggles and moves back to her seat, "Jace dared me to sit on your lap, so I did." She said playfully, "That was a lot more than 'Sitting' on my lap." I said, feeling my blush die down as well as my arousal. She just giggles again as the table joins her this time, although Melissa seems envious.

"What are you losers laughing at?" A snarky voice said from behind me, and judging by the looks everyone is giving, I can guess who it is. And sure enough, when I turn around I'm met with a smirking Kathy with her gang of 'popular girls'.

"Like you would care." Nick spat with venom in his tone, "You know Jace, you could join us. You and Redd would fit in fine." Kathy said ignoring Nick. Jace sighs, "I already told you, I don't hang out with assholes who pick on people to compensate for their flat chests."

Kathy frowns at Jace's insult, as do the rest of the girls, "Well at least I don't hang out with a bunch of fucking losers who won't stop talking about the teacher's ass." She said before storming off with her gang following behind her.

We all stay quiet for a moment before Nick breaks the silence, "Why did she single me out." He said, eating a chuckle from us.


After the encounter with Kathy, we mostly stayed quiet but we still locked and such. But it didn't take long for the bell to ring, and when I go to grab my bag, it's gone. I look around and see Melissa walking away holding my bag. I groan and catch up to her, snatching my bag out of my hand, "That better not become a normal thing." I say as I sling my bag over one of my shoulders. She giggles before saying, "No promises.~" and walking into the classroom.

However, when we take our seats the events that had transpired last time came to mind, "Hey Melissa, do you have feelings for me?" I ask out of the blue. She stutters as a noticeable blush forms on her face, "W-why would y-you ask t-t-that?" She asks, trying to hide her face behind her hands, "Sorry. It's just... What happened last time... and the more I think about it, the more it seemed like you were jealous that it wasn't you shoving my face in your boobs." I said being blunt.

She stutters again but only for a couple seconds as she seems to realize that I have a point. She moves her hands away with a sigh, "W-well, I mean your kind, brave, and hot, like r-really hot..." As she's speaking she inches closer to me, "Your protective, smart, and-" another voice cuts her off, "You two need to finish earlier so you don't get caught.~" I look over and see Mrs. White standing in the doorway, smirking. I look back at Melissa, now noticing the position we were in. She had gotten on top of me once again although her face was much closer to mine this time.

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