Welcome to the Ruins...Guy?

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There you were...Laying on a flower bed and above you was a light that you seemed to have come from. You remember little of how you got down here or where you are but the one thing you did know was to continue onwards "Weird. Must've hit my head hard if I can't remember anything except my name" You turned and saw a flower that was taller than all the other Flowers but that didn't interest you until you heard a voice "Howdy!" It sounded...High pitch like a squeaky female voice, you turned to look around when there it was again "Hey down here big human!" You looked down to the flower and saw it had a face...And it was talking! "I must have hit my head harder than I thought or I've taken some hardcore drugs." The flower shook their head "Howdy human I'm Flowey! And you seem to not be a female..." You shook your head as well "No I'm a male" Flowey smiled "We don't get many guys down here. The only guy down here is a snowman." You bent down to the flower "How do you reproduce?" Flowey pushed you away disgusted "Jeez the first Human Guy in never and you're a total weirdo. Anyway since you're new here I'll have to teach you the swing of things!" You nodded and stood up again "So what do I do?" Flowey summoned a bunch of little white dots around them "These are Love Pellets! You need love to Level Up!" You seemed confused "What is this a video game or something? Did I fall into my computer?... Do I have a co-" You were interrupted "SHUT UP! I-i mean... Let me explain" You froze "Sorry!" Flowey smiled as normally "Anyway! You can level up with love! and You also have EXP you can gain from also Collecting love pellets! The love pellets give you EXP to help you level up!" You nodded "Got it! So can I have some?" Flowey stuck their tongue our and winked "Let's go!" Suddenly everything turned black and white and a green box surrounded You and Flowey "What the FFFFFF" Flowey used a vine to cover your mouth "Let me explain" Again the Female Flower started to explain "When a human or monster enters a fight their soul is shown. You have to make sure you can protect your soul at all costs but don't hold it in your hands or just hide it behind your body because your soul moves when you move so it's useless. Now, are you ready grab the Love Pellets" Suddenly everything seemed to slow down "Huh?" That's when a girl with brown hair and a green jumper with brown shorts appeared behind you "Don't take them it's a trap" You turned to the girl "How? How do you know? I mean they told me to shut up and yeah...but it's not right also are you my shoulder demon?" The girl glared at you "Do I look like a shoulder demon?" You nodded slowly "He's right Chara. It's wrong" That's when another Brunette with a blue jumper and a purple like across said jumper and the same brown shorts "Can someone explain?!?!" Frisk and Chara sighed "you're in the underworld now. And in this underworld, we are the souls that have been wandering around and searching for someone to stay in their body. Chara is sort of like a shoulder demon and I'm sort of like a shoulder angel. Whenever you talk to us time will slow down so we have "Time" To talk" Frisk explained and you now understood everything "ok! So do I grab the love pellets or no?" Chara grabbed you "No! You'll possibly die!" You nodded rapidly "Good. See frisk? Now dodge!" Suddenly that's when time unfroze and you quickly hit the deck! Managing to dodge the pellets "Phew..."

Flowey didn't seem happy "did you hear me? Go into the pellets!" You stood up "ok sorry" more pellets appeared and flew towards you slowly as you responded by walking out the way "RUN INTO THE BULLETS- Love pellets..." You shook your head "SCREW IT! I WILL KILL YOU INSTEAD!" Suddenly the so-called "Love Pellets" Surrounded you "What do we do?! If he dies we die!" Chara held her arms on Frisk "Stay calm! He'll figure something out!" You were panicking as well "I'm gonna die here!" The love pellets closed in on you but when they touched your skin it felt good... "Wha-" Flowey was hit away by a fire ball and from the darkness a goat woman walked up to you "welcome to the ruins my child...My Name is Toriel"

My Name is Toriel"

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