Chapter Six

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The following Saturday I was sat on the stairs in my house waiting for Blaine to pick me up. My nerves were running high but I couldn't deny how much I was looking forward to spending the whole day with him. I'd opted to wear a summer dress which was unusual of me, but I wanted to look nice for our date. It felt good to be out of my works uniform for a change. I had no idea where we were going since Blaine had planned out the whole day. It only made me more excited.

As the time neared 10 a.m., I made sure I had everything before there was a knock at the door. I double checked my hair in the hallway mirror before opening the door, but I couldn't help my heart sinking in my chest when I came face to face with Maria.

"Hey," she said, trying her best to sound cheery.


She lifted her sunglasses to prop them on top of her head. "Can I come in?"

I nodded and led her into the living room. She sat on the sofa and glanced around the room.

"You have a lovely place here." Her voice was soft.

I sat on the chair opposite her. "Thank you."

Her hazel eyes met mine and the smile faded from her lips. "I'm sorry to just turn up at your door like this, but Blaine asked me to."

"Is he alright?"

A smile settled on Maria's face, giving me the reassurance that I needed. "He's fine. He asked me to come here and apologise for not being able to make your date today. Work needed him at the last minute and he had to leave last night. He said he'd make it up to you as soon as he got back."

My gaze dropped and I couldn't help showing my disappointment for a moment. I'd been toying between feeling nervous and excited for the last few days, but it seemed like it was for nothing. My shoulders sagged a little.

"I'm sorry." Maria sat forward in her seat a little and waited until I met her gaze. "I know what it's like. Carter's gone as well. So has Jason."

"Do you know when they'll be back?"

"I don't. They're gone for as long as they're needed. It could be a few days or few months. It's impossible to tell."

My chest was tight and I wanted to let it all out, but I couldn't in front of someone I didn't know.

"Is it dangerous?" I asked. "I don't know much about what he does, but is there any way he could get seriously hurt?"

The question lingered in the air and the silence only confirmed that I should be worried for Blaine. Maria crossed her legs.

"It's possible," she said quietly, "but they know what they're doing. They're fully qualified for everything they do and most importantly I trust them to keep each other safe. I'm sorry I can't give you anymore reassurance."

I took a deep breath and fiddled with my fingers on my lap. "Well thank for letting me know anyway."

"Of course." Maria stood up. "I'm sorry again."

I gave a small smile. "It's not your fault. I'll be fine, don't worry."

Maria nodded and I followed her to the door to see her out. Once I was alone again, I found myself sat on the bottom of the stairs. My head fell in my hands and I gave myself a moment to cry. I'd barely heard Ellie stumble down the stairs until she poked me in the back with her foot.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked.

I shuffled to the side so she could get past me. "Nothing. I'm fine," I mumbled, wiping under my eyes.

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