Chapter Sixty Two

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The windows shattered from the outside and glass burst into the room. Brody's sick laugh grew louder by the second. Dark figures burst in through the destroyed windows and attacked us all. I watched the creatures pounce onto our unsuspecting friends and tear the life away from them in an instant. Guns were pulled out and the Demons shot at, their piercing cries all too familiar. The world seemed to slow down around me. I heard Jason's cry as he was thrown against the wall and onto the ground, Kieran's canvases crashing down around him. Carter was on the floor with one of Jackson's old friends straddling him. Her long fingers were around his throat as he fought for his life under her. Elijah had Nick's arm around him as they tried to get away. Danielle screamed as Mark was held in the air by the claws around his throat. Shots from Henry and Raphael's weapons targeted the Demons approaching them, the bullets burning the creatures from the inside out. I had seen this before, my world coming to an end, and now it was going to happen again.

Panic struck me. I'd not seen Anna since she disappeared upstairs. My body sprang into action, bounding out of the room and towards the stairs, but before I could get to her, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. My vision went blurry. I crashed to my knees with a grunt. The hallway was spinning around me. I reached up to the back of my head and looked to see blood on my fingertips. That was when a dark shadow cast over me. My blurry gaze could just make out Brody standing over me, blocking my way to the stairs. He bent down and grasped onto my chin to part my lips.

"Sleep now," he whispered.

I wanted to cry out, scream for Anna's name, but all that came out was a whimper as Brody slowly drank the life from me. My eyes eventually fell closed and I gave into the feeling of losing my breath until I collapsed.


I thought I had died. The world seemed so black, but as I slowly began to wake up, I realised that I hadn't been killed, yet. My throat was dry and my head heavy. I was lying on something soft and, as I slowly peeled my eyes open, I began to recognise where I was. The blurry shape in front of me was my bed. I was on my bedroom carpet. The room was full of shadows with only my bedside lamp on. With a groan, I pressed my palms to the carpet and lifted my body from the floor. I thought I was alone, until a dark figure crouched down in front of me.

"Wakey, wakey, Blaine," he sung.

Suddenly, my arm was grabbed and I was hauled up to my feet. Over Brody's shoulder I saw Brooke and Nia holding back Carter and Jason. They both looked exhausted as they fought against the strong arms around them. As Carter tried to elbow Brooke behind him, she gripped his neck and squeezed until he gave in.

"No," I muttered, stumbling over to her to try stop them from hurting my friends, but Brody was too quick. He slammed me against the wall. My already sore head hit the surface and I grunted in pain. Brody's face was inches from mine.

"I'm going to enjoy watching you die," the Demon muttered. "Unfortunately, I won't be the one killing you."

He took a step back, but kept a hand on my neck to stop me from collapsing. My hands came up to force him off of me, but I was too weak.

"Where's Anna?" I asked.

Brody grinned. "Where she's always belonged."

His words reignited all the anger and resentfulness I had towards these monsters. My chest was tight and my breathing heavy. "Tell me where she is!"

The Demon tightened his hold of my neck and moved closer until his sick smile was inches from my face. I met his black eyes and saw my own scared reflection in them. Brody tilted my head up until I was staring at the ceiling and brought his lips to my ear.

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