Chapter Sixty Four

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Anna looked as beautiful as ever laying in my arms, resting peacefully in her sleep. If she hadn't made the choice to run from me, I wouldn't have had to do this quite so brutally. I found her in the bathroom away from the party reapplying her lipstick. Our eyes met in the mirror and she looked terrified of me. That monster had convinced her that I was the bad guy. She fought in my grasp so I did what I had to do. I took enough energy to render her unconscious until she was where she'd always belonged: in Hell with me.

With my feet planted firmly on the dry ground, I connected my mind to the earth until the world under me rumbled. Anna let out a quiet murmur as the grass and dry dirt cracked and split open to let five metal gates erupt from the underworld. The patterned metal rose to its twenty feet height and spanned for miles each way.

I admired what the ground had produced with a twisted grin. Branches snapped under my feet as I approached the consecutive gates. Anna stirred softly in my arms so I simply shushed her and she murmured before burying her face into my chest. I felt at peace having her close to my heart once again, but the moment was shattered at the sound of a car door slamming shut in the distance. My guest had finally arrived.



"No, Carter," I argued in a hiss, slamming the car door shut behind me. "You two stay here."

"No way," Carter retaliated. "You need us with you."

"He will kill you both in an instant if he has the chance. I won't lose anyone else. You need to stay here."

"Maybe he's right," Jason murmured. Carter's head shot around. "Jackson would kill us to get to Blaine, but if you need us, then shout for us. We'll be right here. Isn't that right, Carter?"

I watched with a stern glare as Carter slowly nodded his head and sighed. Jason patted his shoulder until Carter broke away and suddenly flung his arms round me to hold me with such earnest. His fingertips dug into my back as if he was trying to keep me here for as long as possible. The inevitable concern that this was the last time we would hold each other was reaching the surface, ready to suffocate me under the fear of failure, but I wouldn't let it. I was going to see Carter and Jason again, with Anna by my side.

As quickly as Carter pulled me into the hug, he let me go and slumped back to his car, leaning against the driver's door and biting a loose piece of skin on the side of his thumb.

"Stay safe," Jason spoke softly. I smiled and received a hug from my other brother.

"If I don't come back, then promise to look after Carter," I whispered. "And visit Kieran all the time."

Jason pulled back and nodded.

"I'll call if I need you."

With a heavy pressure in my chest, I turned towards the entrance of the eerie forest. We'd come here as teenagers before to hunt and I had always been intrigued about the Gates. As I started heading towards the place, Carter's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"I love you, man," he called out.

I spun back around and gave him a cheeky grin. "I love you too."

They watched as I finally headed into the forest. As soon as I stepped in, I was plunged into darkness with only the dim light of the moon helping me to see ahead. A sharp breeze picked up around me, creating an atmosphere only felt in nightmares. I ignored my fears and allowed my vengeance to keep me going. He had killed my friends and people I considered family. Now he wanted to condemn Anna to an eternity of pain. I was going to kill this Demon with everything I had.

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