Chapter Sixty

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The next few hours would be a time I'd never forget. Blaine was slow and gentle with me, constantly reminding me that I was loved. His lips made a slow and long path from my neck to my inner thigh. My breath hitched in my throat at the feeling of his mouth and fingers against me. The vibration of his groans on my skin as I pulled roughly on his hair made my whole body shiver. It was torturous the way his touch moved so slowly and, as the warm feeling began to build in my stomach, he pulled back so the sensation disappeared completely. I was almost embarrassed of the noise that escaped me. Blaine knew he was a tease and slowly crawled up my body with his wicked grin. I narrowed my eyes to him, but the smile on my face told him that his plan to make me squirm at his touch had worked.

His hands were warm and delicate against my bare body. My fingers clasped onto his sides as he hooked my legs around him. The soft lips on my neck brought out low moans from my throat and into Blaine's ear. I felt him grin against my skin before he bit down on where my neck and shoulder met. The jerk of my body was completely involuntary but showed Blaine the effect he had on me and he loved it.

Eventually, he lifted his head and gazed down at me. Without saying a word, I knew what he was waiting for. I nodded and pushed the back of his head down so I could kiss him. I'd never get used to the way he tasted, and I always craved more no matter how much I kissed him. Blaine took my answer and finally we were connected. The feeling of Blaine within me tore me away from his lips to groan towards the ceiling. My head fell back onto the pillow and my back arched. Blaine grunted and dipped his head down to my chest. Our sweating bodies moved as one as we slowly built up to the moment we both craved so badly. I'd been this close to Blaine before, but somehow this time it was different. Not only was his touch and taste mesmerising, but the fluttering feeling in my chest and the need to meet his gaze was something other than just a good feeling. I truly loved this man for his body, mind and soul. I took a moment to watch him, seeing his eyes squeezed shut and the veins in his neck showing as he strained above me. His hands either side of my head were fisting the pillow. Beads of sweat clung onto the tips of his hair and his chest and neck were flushed a deep red. I made sure I admired such a beautiful sight.

When Blaine's eyes opened once again, he let his lazy smile grow. I held my breath as his hand slowly danced down my body to where we were connected. Suddenly, I gasped and felt myself tense around him. I knew he was watching me this time despite my head being thrown back. He moved faster and faster, bringing us both closer to our sweet release. We were groaning and panting as one. Blaine's forehead fell onto mine, his hot breath on my lips. We wrapped our arms around each other and let ourselves go together. The sensation was like no other and melted away all our worries at once. All that we cared about was each other. Nothing else in the world even mattered.

Once I finally got my breath back, I lifted my head and crashed my lips against Blaine. The kiss was messy and broken up by our groans and yet somehow, I had never felt closer to him in my life. What we shared was indescribable, but we knew it meant so much to us. A love like no other.



Our house felt alive again with the bustling of people and music pulsating throughout the place. We let Carter take control of the songs after he felt guilty for not helping to decorate. So for the last few hours he had been lying out on the sofa making a playlist of Kieran's favourite tracks. Songs from Fleetwood Mac, the Eagles, Coldplay and Damien Rice played as people talked and drank and had a good time.

As I perched on the arm of the sofa, I admired Jason's excellent job of organising the party. He'd tidied the place, put out drinks and hung string lights around the furniture. I glanced at the living room wall and grinned at the pictures Jason had ordered especially for tonight. Each one had Kieran's beaming smile and bright blonde hair from when he was a child up weeks before he died. In many ways I was angry that we only had him for eighteenyears, but I was slowly learning that we were lucky to have those years with him. The three of us owed him for a lot of our traits of kindness, patience and respect and we wanted to celebrate that tonight.

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