Chapter Thirty Six

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I knocked on Benny's door. He'd come into the café to say a final goodbye to me on my last day and I appreciated it. My final shift had been with Carly. She kept me busy with her constant questions and asking for help. It was the distraction I needed before leaving the café for good.

"Come in," Benny called. I did as he said and quietly shut the door behind me. He was tapping away at his computer keyboard with a furrowed brow and a concentrated look on his face.

"Is this a bad time?"

He slowly drew his gaze away from the screen. A smile appeared on his face when he saw me. "Of course not."

I watched as he pulled out a box of chocolates and a bunch of flowers from under the desk. "These are to say thanks for being here for so long. You've practically been running the place, you and Danielle. We're going to miss you a lot."

I tried my hardest not to cry when I took the gifts. Benny's smile was sincere. I never really thought about the day I'd officially leave this place. It was a strange feeling. All I hoped was that I wouldn't regret it.

"Wow, thank you, Benny." I used the back of my hand to wipe at my eyes when the inevitable tears fell. "I'm going to miss it here too."

"Well, you're welcome back at any time. And of course I'll make sure to write you a glowing reference for wherever you end up."

"I appreciate that, Benny. Thank you."

He gave me a wink. I set down my presents to throw my works bag onto my back, but when I turned, he was watching me.

"I know it isn't my place to say this," he said. His smile had disappeared. "But I hope that you and Danielle make up soon. You two used to be so close. It would be a real shame to let that go."

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked down at the ground. "It's complicated unfortunately."

"I know. With Mark's...accident and everything. How is he?"

Tears filled my eyes, but for different reasons this time. "Honestly, I don't know. Neither of them are really talking to me."

"Oh." Benny seemed awkward. "I'm sorry to hear that."

I just nodded and picked up my flowers and chocolates from his desk. "Thank you again for the presents, and thanks for being such a great boss."
He grinned and gave me a salute with his index and middle finger. "I'll see you around, kid. Good luck with your adventures."

I smiled and shut the door behind me on my way out. Carly was wiping down one of the tables by the front windows. She straightened up when she saw me.

"Bye, Anna. See you soon!" she exclaimed cheerily. Damn, I was even going to miss Carly.

"See you, Carls. Good luck with everything."

As I stepped out of the café, I felt different. I no longer had a purpose. Walking away from a place I knew every inch of was terrifying, but I had to look forward to my trip with Jackson. Unfortunately, that wasn't as reassuring as it sounded.

When I glanced back at the café, Benny was stood by the front windows waving at me. With my hands full, all I could do was smile back until I heard a car horn behind me. Jackson was parked by the gate with his window rolled down.

"Come on!" he called.

Benny disappeared from view before putting my gifts on the backseat and climbing in beside Jackson. As soon as I put my seatbelt on, the car was in gear and we were leaving the park gates for the last time.

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