Chapter Thirty Nine

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The sky was dark as we climbed out of Jackson's car and towards the nightclub entrance. Being with Jackson was always a different experience. The night that I met him, we queued up for ages to get in, but this time Jackson led me straight to the bouncer outside a nightclub. Low words were spoken between them before the heavy guy took a step to the side to let us in. Jackson gave him a nod before taking me in. His arm was draped around my shoulders. The low beat of music grew louder as we headed up the dimly lit stairs towards the club. Jackson slammed his hand against the black doors at the top.

We stepped into the dusky nightclub. The music was pulsating around us and the intermingled smell of alcohol, smoke and different colognes hit me, but it seemed to put a smirk on Jackson's lips. Laser lights illuminated the place, showing the dance floor crowded with people dancing close to one another. At the bar, drunk men and women leaning heavily against it with credit cards in their hands, demanding drinks from the barmen and women.

Jackson led me to the bar and easily merged his way to the front of the crowd gathered there. I found a quiet corner and watched Jackson grin and flirt with the woman behind the bar. She leaned closer to hear him and laughed at what he said. The sad thing was I felt nothing, no jealousy or anger. It had been a long time since I felt anything.

"Here," Jackson said over the music, thrusting a drink into my hand. Suddenly, I was trapped under his intense gaze as he took a sip from his whiskey, and it terrified me. Jackson's frown creased his forehead. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing," I lied.

It was hard to know if he believed me or not at first, but almost like he took pity on me, he let it go. I was swept over to the booths at the side of the dance floor. Just like the night I met him, people quickly stepped back to let us through. Eyes followed us as we made our way through the gap. Jackson winked at a few people and was pulled into hugs. Girls stared at him and smiled when he grinned at them. I kept my head low and waited for it all to be over.

Once we got to the booths, we realised none were free. Jackson huffed and stormed over to the nearest table where a group of young people were sat.

"Move!" he spat, grabbing the shirt of one of the guys and forcing him up to his feet. None of them argued with him and they instantly scarpered off. Jackson spun around and gave me a sweet smile, gesturing for me to sit down. I obliged before he collapsed next to me and pulled out his phone to text someone called Brody where we were. My stomach churned at the thought of what Jackson's friends would be like.

"Jay!" a male voice suddenly yelled. Jackson turned and, when he saw who it was, he jumped out of the booth and accepted the hand his friend was offering. The tattooed guy pulled Jackson into a hug and heavily patted him on the back.

"It's been a while, Brody," Jackson said.

"It has, my friend," the man responded. He looked at me and held a smirk all too similar to Jackson's. I was pulled up out of the booth by Jackson and held closely next to him.

"You must be Jackson's girl," Brody said, taking a sudden step closer to me. I swallowed at the hard lump in my throat. His chest was almost touching mine by the time he stopped walking. I gazed up at him, trying to hide the fact I was shaking madly. I felt intimidated by his solid figure and tall form. He leaned down to me, lips grazing my ear. "Anna, isn't it?"

I suddenly gasped as his hand cupped my backside. Seconds later, he was wrenched from me by the back of his shirt.

"Fuck off, dude," Jackson spat, pulling tight on the material to strangle his friend.

"Alright, alright, Jay. I was only warming her up for you."

"Did I say you could fucking do that?"

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